Urban Planning II
Information sources
13 31 City Development Authority Basic source of information Strategic plan for Prague (update 2008) How your project fits into the strategic goals? In which respect your project could be understood as opportunity and/or threads? Which strenghts of the city can support the project, which weaknesses can influence the project.
13 31 City Development Authority Planning Analytical Materials 2007 (1:50 000) Analytical background for Principles of Territorial Development Initial information on the city, good material for initial pre-selection of areas Planning Analytical Materials 2010 (1:10 000) Analytical background for new land use plan The main document for the location of your project
13 31 Planning Analytical Materials The topics: The role of Prague The role of Prague Natural conditions Natural conditions Settlement structure and urbanism Settlement structure and urbanism Protection of cultural values Protection of cultural values Economic conditions Economic conditions Social demographic conditions Social demographic conditions Land use Land use Housing Housing Recreation Recreation Public services Public services Production sectors Production sectors Transport Transport Technical infrastructure Technical infrastructure Environmental hygiene Environmental hygiene Security Security Planning preparation Planning preparation
13 31 Planning Analytical Materials The map of development limits Important for detailed search of project site. It will be important to evaluate the impacts of limits on your project. You will cope with the impacts of limits in strategy of the project integration
13 31 Planning Analytical Materials The map of values Can your project benefit of some specific values? Make sure that your project does not damage any value.
13 31 Planning Analytical Materials The map of planned projects Identify the concrete development projects that could be significant for your project What are the relations of planned project to location criteria of your project?
13 31 Planning Analytical Materials The map of problems Generally what kind of problems could negatively influence your project? Identify the problematic areas from your project location criteria point of view. Are there some problems that could be addressed by your project?
13 31 City Development Authority Principles of Territorial Development (2009) What is the general spatial development strategy of the city. How it influences the localization of your projects. Are there some development projects that has a relation to your location criteria?
Principles of Territorial Development
13 31 City Development Authority The Land Use Plan (2009) How your project fits into conditions of land use declared by land use plan? If it does not fit, what alterations to your project would you propose to comply with the land use plan?
13 31 City Development Authority Map applications
13 31 City Development Authority Atlas of the Prague’s Environment Environmental Yearbooks
13 31 City Development Authority praha.cz/wps/portal/english/web/4experts/Yearbooks/!ut/p/b1/jY_LDoIwEEW_xS_obWktXZYmhQ oBEgNKN4aFMRgeG-P3C8SViejsJjln7h3iSaMEBSSHJGfix_bZ3dpHN41tv-x- fzGxTrjMAORMwLGDrUygGKpFaGYAX0Zj9bkpjYqoRnEMJZzOTJIGZgHevspFVKYxRWG5gXNWK a2TAEz8l78R8MM_Eb8iWw1WYOvFjwsptXOHArUMGS3qgOTJNFzJ4Htrlbtzvdu9AKludmY!/dl4/d5 /L2dJQSEvUUt3QS80SmtFL1o2X1A5NUUxTzgyRzhVSzMwQUczVjVRSUgwNEo1/ Map applications
13 31 Other information sources Czech Statistical Office: Regional Yearbooks Area, climate, environment, macroeconomic indicators, labour market, economic sectors, elections … Town and Country planning in the Czech Republic Basic information of the planning system an/uzemni-planovani-cr an.pdf
13 31 Introductory assignment With the topic given individualy to each of you, do the following: Represent graphicaly the information related to your topic on background map given to you. Briefly comment on the topic based on information you have found (one paragraph of text - min. 150 words). The assignments should be delivered in next lecture. Based on quality of delivery your participation in the course will be approved or refused. You will become the expert on you topic also for other groups during the course.