Rumi: The Sufi Poet of Love and Devotion
Baby Lion
Lost Key
Rumi ( ) The Sufi journey uses the language of romance and love and the supreme poet of this journey in God is Rumi.
The Kabah The pilgrimage to Mecca “could be made in the heart.”
Whirling Dervishes Rumi founded the Mevlevi order of Sufis, which is still around today.
An Emphasis on Love Rumi said: My religion is Love” and also “Love’s creed is separate from all religions. The creed and denominations of lovers is God.”
Union Rumi teaches that nothing is so important as the realization of our own divine self, our union with God, the understanding of the primacy of love.
Blossoming Rose Stop learning. Start Knowing. The Rose opens, And opens, And when it falls, Falls outward.
First Stage: Learning to Listen If God is revealing himself, then who is hearing this revelation? Who is awake? Who is listening?
Flying to the Divine “As a lovesick nightingale, you flew among the owls. Then came the scent of the rose garden, And you flew off to meet the Rose!”
Second Stage: Opening God said: My mystery will always be protected from fools, For fools think they know, fools think they understand. Fools are never foolish enough to lose their heads for love. And who but the headless ever approach my throne?
Third Stage: Longing and Pain There needs to be a commitment to a spiritual discipline and practices.
Fourth Stage: Love and Union “The lamps are different, but the Light is the same.”
Rumi’s Shrine No one ever sees that last moment, When the eroded rock becomes sand, But if they did, they would hear The Sea singing!
Rumi’s Tomb If one drop of the Wine of Vision could rinse your eyes, Wherever you looked, you would weep with wonder.