Westward Expansion and Reform in the United States USI.8
Territorial Expansion Lesson 1and 2 Territorial Expansion USI.8a
SOL USI.8a: describing territorial expansion and how it affected the political map of the United States.
How do economic and geographic factors influence human migration? Essential Question: How do economic and geographic factors influence human migration?
What do I need to understand? Human migration is influenced by geographic and economic factors.
Hook (Quote) Quote from Secretary of State John Quincy Adams: “From the time we became an independent nation, it was ….a law of nature that (North America) would become our claim as the Mississippi should flow to the sea.” What does this mean?
Animated Map of Westward Expansion
Map of the Louisiana Purchase
Louisiana Purchase 1803 From France New Orleans Napoleon Bonaparte Doubled the size of the US Lewis and Clark
Lewis and Clark Expedition Meriwether Lewis William Clark From the Mississippi R. to the Pacific Ocean
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Map of Florida
Acquisition of Florida From Spain 1819 Given to the US through a treaty Made a US territory in 1821
Map of Texas
Why did Americans move to the Texas region? Americans were drawn to the cheap and fertile land for farming and raising cattle.
The Acquisition of Texas 1845 Was an Independent Republic. 1836 (A country of its own) Then added to the United States.
The map of Texas The map shows the boundaries of Texas as understood by Texans in 1836 and by the United States when it annexed Texas in 1845.
The map of Oregon Territory
The acquisition of Oregon 1846 Oregon Territory Divided between US and Great Britain 49th Parallel 1840s Oregon Trial
The Map of California and the SW territory
The acquisition of California US at war with Mexico 1846 Rio Grande Border dispute (Texas) 1848 Mexico surrenders US gains California and the Southwest territory.
1840 Approximately 700 people from the United States lived in California. Several occasions United States government offers to buy California from Mexico. Officials were eager to gain control of the ports of San Francisco and San Diego.
Mexican American War
California War with Mexico resulted in California and the southwest territory becoming part of the United States.
Write to Learn You are a traveler with Lewis and Clark. Write a journal entry about what you see, hear, taste, smell, etc.
Quick Quiz USI.8a Ready Set GO!
1) To gain access to New Orleans, what did the US buy?
2) Who was president when the US gained the Louisiana territory?
3) What country did Louisiana belong to before we bought it?
4) Who did Jefferson hire to explore the Louisiana Purchase?
5) Lewis and Clark explored the Louisiana Purchase from the ________ River to the _________ Ocean.
6) What rivers did they follow to get to the Pacific Ocean?
7) What country did the US acquire Florida from?
8) Who was our president when we gained Florida from Spain? (1819)
9) What state was an independent republic before it became part of the US?
10) Who owned Texas before it became an independent republic?
11) What territory was acquired by the US as part of a compromise with Great Britain?
12) To acquire the Oregon territory, the US agreed to the land south of the _____th Parallel.
13) In the 1840s, pioneers began to settle Oregon Territory in wagons following a route called the ________ _________.
14) The agreement with Great Britain also distinguished the border between the US and ________. (our neighbor to the north)
15) After a war with Mexico, the US gained ________ and the SW territory.
16) Many people moved to California in search of ___________.
Westward Migration USI.8b Lesson 3 and 4 Westward Migration USI.8b
SOL USI.8b: identifying the geographic and economic factors that influenced the westward movement of settlers.
How do economic and geographic factors influence human migration? Essential Question How do economic and geographic factors influence human migration?
What do I need to understand? Westward migration was influenced by geography and economic opportunity (the chance to make money)
Hook (Pioneer) Draw a picture of a typical pioneer. Explain that people who settled in the west were often called pioneers.
What factors influenced westward migration?
1) Population The growing population in the Eastern states. Crowded People wanted more space between themselves and their neighbors.
2) Land Availability (Lots of it) Cheap $$ Fertile
3) Economic Opportunity A) Gold California Gold Rush
3) Economic Opportunity B) Logging (jobs)
3) Economic Opportunity C) Farming (to make money)
3) Economic Opportunity D) Freedom For runaway slaves
4) Cheaper & Faster Transportation Rivers Canals
4) Cheaper & Faster Transportation Erie Canal (To link the Great Lakes w/ rivers)
4) Cheaper & Faster Transportation Steamboats
5) Knowledge of overland trails Oregon Trail
5) Knowledge of overland trails Santa Fe Trail
6) Belief in Manifest Destiny The right and duty to spread across the continent all the way to the Pacific Ocean
Manifest Destiny Draw a sensory figure Label the eyes – What do I see? Label the heart – What do I feel? Label the ears – What do I hear?
When you view the picture, write what you would see, hear, and feel if you were in the scene. Explain how the artist uses the object and people in the picture to encourage people to fulfill their Manifest Destiny.
Write an acrostic poem using the letters: Manifest Destiny Write to Learn Write an acrostic poem using the letters: Manifest Destiny
Quick Quiz Ready Set GO!
1) What was growing in the eastern states that would influence people to move west?
2) Many people moved west because of the availability of _______ and ________ land.
3) What economic opportunities were there out west?
4) What are 2 examples of cheaper and faster transportation?
5) Name two overland trails that people traveled westward.
6) What was the belief that expansion was for the good of the country and was the right of the country?
Lesson 5 and 6 New Technologies USI.8c
SOL USI.8c: describing the impact of inventions on life in America.
Essential Question(s) Why do people invent and how do inventions affect people’s lives? How do inventions reflect and impact historical events?
What do I need to understand? Inventions affect people’s lifestyles and reflect and impact historical events.
Hook: Transportation List as many methods of transportation as you can in one minute. Cross out all the methods that were unavailable 200 years ago.
Discuss how your lives would be different without cars, airplanes, and other forms of modern transportation.
Terms to Know Inventor: someone who is the first to think of or make something Entrepreneur: someone who organizes resources to bring a new or better good or service to market in hopes of earning a profit.
New Technologies Cotton Gin (1793) Eli Whitney Increased production of cotton Increased need for slave labor to cultivate and pick cotton
New Technologies Cotton Gin
New Technologies Reaper (1831) Cyrus McCormick (an entrepreneur who brought the reaper to market) Jo Anderson (slave) Increased the productivity of the American Farmer.
New Technologies Reaper
New Technologies Steamboat (1807) Robert Fulton (an entrepreneur who improved the steamboat) Provided faster river transportation Connected Southern plantations and farms to Northern industries
New Technologies Steamboat
New Technologies Steam Locomotive (1826) John Stevens Provided faster land transportation
New Technologies Steam Locomotive
Hook: What Would You Take? If you were able to take one modern (that fits in your pocket) invention back to the pioneer times, what would it be and why?
1) Who invented the cotton gin?
2) What did the cotton gin do?
3) When the production of cotton increased, what else increased?
4) What two people invented the reaper?
4) What did the invention of the reaper increase?
5) Who invented the steamboat?
6) What provided faster “land” transportation?
7) What connected Southern Plantations and farms to Northern industries?
The Reform Movement USI.8d Lesson 7 and 8 The Reform Movement USI.8d
SOL USI.8d: identifying the main ideas of the abolitionist and suffrage movements.
Essential Questions: What motivates people to change their society? How can people change society effectively?
Reform Movements Two movements Abolition Suffrage
Abolitionist Movement
Hook: Actions “What actions or risks would you be willing to take to correct a situation that you consider unjust?” Would you risk your life?
Key ideas behind the abolitionist movement: Slaves should be freed immediately Slavery was morally wrong Slavery was cruel and inhumane Against democracy (created equal)
What were abolitionists? Reformers who wanted to end slavery. Some favored a gradual end, they believed that it would die out. However, most demanded that slavery end everywhere at once!
Harriet Tubman A enslaved African American, she escaped in 1849 and became one of the most successful “conductors” on the Underground Railroad.
What was the Underground Railroad? A network of black and white abolitionists who secretly helped slaves escape to freedom in the North or Canada.
William Lloyd Garrison The Liberator Took a stand for immediate and complete abolition of slavery
Frederick Douglass Wrote the North Star Worked for rights to better the lives of African Americans and women
Write to Learn If you had been a slave, would you have tried to escape? Why or Why not?
Suffrage Movement
Hook: Decision Making New Rule: You no longer have the right to speak in class. The teacher will be the sole speaker. If you have an opinion, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.
Take out a piece of paper and make a list of the feelings you have about the new rule. DO NOT TALK.
The Suffragist Movement “All men and women are created equal”
Key ideas behind the suffragist movement: Right to vote Educational opportunities (and college) Equal in business Own property independently
Isabel Sojourner Truth A former enslaved African American who was a nationally known advocate for equality and justice.
Susan B. Anthony Was an advocate to gain voting rights for women and equal rights for all.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Played a leadership role in the women’s rights movement.
Write to Learn Describe two ways that the women’s movement got their message across to the public.
Quick Quiz Get Ready Set Go
To the abolitionists, slavery was ______ __________.
Who wanted to end slavery?
Who was the former slave that helped many slaves escape to the North and West?
What network helped slaves to escape to the North and West?
Who was the editor of The Liberator?
Who was the escape slave that wrote books about the evils of slavery?
What was the motto of the women’s movement?
Who wanted the right to vote, higher education, the right to own property and job opportunities?
Who was a slave that wrote about the equal rights for women?
The best known women’s rights spokesperson?