Marine and Coastal Spatial Data Subcommittee Status Update and Discussion Tony LaVoi MCSD Chair and NOAA GIO September 10, 2013 Coordination Group Meeting
2 Outline Background A-16 Theme Status, Standards, and Data Connections to Related National Initiatives Moving forward
3 The Purpose of the Marine and Coastal Spatial Data Subcommittee is to advance and implement the Marine and Coastal National Spatial Data Infrastructure, working to develop strategic partnerships, relevant standards, and enhance access to and utility of coastal and ocean framework data. MCSD Charter MCSD Subcommittee Purpose
4 Water – Oceans and Coasts A-16 Theme A-16 definition: “Features and characteristics of salt water bodies (i.e. tides, tidal waves, coastal information, reefs) and features and characteristics that represent the intersection of the land with the water surface (i.e. shorelines), the lines from which the territorial sea and other maritime zones are measured (i.e. baseline maritime) and lands covered by water at any stage of the tide (i.e. Outer Continental Shelf ), as distinguished from tidelands, which are attached to the mainland or an island and cover and uncover with the tide.”
5 A-16 Supplemental Guidance Compliance √ Executive Champion named √ Theme Lead named √ Reviewed and updated theme overview document √ Initial dataset list verified and updated √ Volunteered to serve on A-16 implementation plan development team √ Metadata for datasets reviewed and verified [in progress] √ Metadata posted to and Geospatial Platform [in progress]
6 Datasets NOAA datasets Continuously Updated Shoreline Data Maritime Limits and Boundaries of United States of America NOAA’s Electronic Navigational Charts ODIN: Observational Data for Interactive Navigation Sea Levels Online U.S. Marine Protected Areas Boundaries BOEM datasets Continental Shelf Boundary – Atlantic NAD83, Pacific NAD83 (2 datasets) Submerge Lands Act Boundary – Alaska NAD83, Pacific West Coast NAD83, Atlantic, NAD83, Gulf of Mexico NAD27, Hawaii WGS84 (5 datasets) OCSLA Big Revenue Zone – Alaska NAD83, Pacific West Coast NAD83, Atlantic NAD83, Gulf of Mexico NAD27, Hawaii WGS84 (5 datasets) Coast Line – Atlantic NAD83, Pacific NAD83 (2 datasets)
Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) In 2012, the FGDC approved CMECS as the first-ever, comprehensive federal standard for classifying and describing coastal and marine ecosystems Six components of the classification standard represent the different aspects of the seascape Use cases BOEM has specifically required use as part of their benthic data requirements Recommended classification system for the NOAA Habitat Blueprint effort Used in the California Ocean Protection Council San Francisco Bay benthic mapping project Required classification system for a National Park Service effort to characterize impacts of Hurricane Sandy Biogeographic Setting Geomorphic character of coast or seafloor Biotic Component Water Column Component Substrate Component Geoform Compone nt Structure and features of water column Benthic and suspended/floating organisms Character of surface and near- surface substrates Modifiers Aquatic Setting
National Shoreline Data Content Standard and CUSP Public Review of Draft National Shoreline Data Content Standard Federal Register Pubic Review Publication Date: April 18, 2013 Comments Officially Closed: July 31, 2013 [date extended to included comments from the newly formed Hydrography Technical Working Group in Alaska] Continuously Updated Shoreline Product [CUSP] Attributed and referenced to a tidal datum Includes non-NOAA sources verified with contemporary imagery (i.e. USGS, USFWS) Maintained, up-to-date, and accessible [ Source: data-content-standard?utm_campaign= +a+friend&utm_medium= &
9 Nautical Charting Solution II (NCS II) New nautical charting system in NOAA Central database (NIS) for fully attributed vector data Ability to create Electronic Navigational Charts [ENC] and paper products from information contained within the database Apply source data once – reuse multiple times Current Status: Performed a system reset in 2013 Loading data by Coast Guard District Beta testing paper chart functionality NOAA ENC ® Direct to GIS recently updated to ArcGIS Server
10 U.S. Maritime Zones and Boundaries Data Seamless, nationwide dataset of 12nm Territorial Sea 24nm Contiguous Zone 200nm EEZ International boundaries through Great Lakes and international maritime boundaries Updates occurring in accordance with U.S. Baseline Committee reviews of accretion and erosion of the low water line that appear on NOAA nautical charts
11 Coastal Topography and Inundation Mapping
12 Aligning with Related National Initiatives Integrated Ocean and Coastal Mapping [IOCM] Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning [CMSP] Water – Ocean and Coasts Theme Marine and Coastal Spatial Data Subcommittee Integrated Ocean Observing System [IOOS ® ]
13 U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS®) Mandate: Integrated Coastal and Ocean Observation System (ICOOS) Act of 2009 What is it?: Coordinated network of people and technology that work together to compile and distribute data on our coastal waters, Great Lakes, and oceans Focus: Delivers the data and information needed, so that decision-makers can take action to improve safety, enhance the economy, and protect the environment Coastal and marine data (e.g., water temperature, water level, currents, winds, and waves) are collected by many different tools including satellites, buoys, tide gauges, radar stations, and underwater vehicles
14 Integrated Ocean and Coastal Mapping (IOCM) Mandate: Ocean and Coastal Mapping Integration Act (2009) What is it?: IOCM is planning, acquiring, integrating, and managing ocean and coastal geospatial data and derivative products for easy access and use by the greatest range of users Focus: Three primary tasks 1. Integrated Data Acquisition 2. End-to-End Data Management 3. Maximum Use and Re-Use of data
15 CMSP and Mandate: Executive Order on National Ocean Policy [2010] What is it?: National information management system dedicated to coastal and marine scientific data, compatible with existing Federal information resources, and built upon existing national data systems and initiatives Focus: Led by National Ocean Council (NOC) GSA via provides IT infrastructure and development support NOC Working Group providing content and subject matter expertise 100’s of featured datasets Developing a Map Gallery to leverage resources on the National GeoPlatform Marine Planning Portal Network
16 Future of the Marine and Coastal Subcommittee Define relationship of subcommittee to other national marine and coastal geospatial/data initiatives Redefine subcommittee to align with Circular A-16 MCSD Water – Oceans and Coasts Subcommittee? Finalize list of supporting datasets – currently only have data from BOEM and NOAA Promote participation in National GeoPlatform Sponsor FGDC standards activities Foster communication and collaboration across apps/systems
17 Point of Contact Tony LaVoi, NOAA