Capitalisation in Estonia-Latvia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme and Projects supported within the Programme Valga, 20 March 2013 Vineta Šnore Information Manager Joint Technical Secretariat
Capitalisation 2 Why should we capitalise on achievements? ENPI cross border cooperation facilitates the transfromation of external areas or near-border areas of the European Union and has a seeding function: o facilitate future activities through accumulated experience and created partnerships o identification of follow-up opportunities and ‘open up doors’ o create transferable value and make it visible! ENPI cross border cooperation contributes to thematic goals: o involvement into thematic clusters of the projects within Priorities and Measures o show the value of the Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme to stakeholders
Capitalisation on Two Levels: Thematic and Results-Based 3 Who should take the advantage of what? Projects (1st Call, LSP, 2nd Call): o result-based capitalisation Programme (including Branch Offices): o facilitate result – based capitalisation o focus on thematic capitalisation
Thematic Capitalisation and Communication 4 What is planned on the Programme level? Promotion of project results and spreading thematic messages: o Website: Future ENI section (Partner Search, KEEP, Pilot Action) o Publications: Project Broshures, NL, Tourism Project Map, etc o Events: Annual Event with Panel discussion, photo exhibitions, ECDay... Creation of opportunities for thematic cross- fertilisation o Opinion survey: Questionnaire o Events: Annual Event, ECDay Involvement of EU and national stakeholders in capitalisation: o Events: MEP visits to Projects, presentation of Programme results in various events o Publications: Studies, Reports, TV and Radio broadcasts o Networking: intensified contacts with EU related institutions
Result – Based Capitalisation and Communication 5 What is recommended to the projects? Analyse the relevance of project results and outputs and identify key messages o Filling in the Questionnaire on Capitalisation o Pilot Capitalisation Action: Map of Tourism Projects, Open-air exhibition during Annual Event, ECDay Local Actions Adjusting communication activities to the above mentioned analyses o Website: Focus on results and outcomes, update, publish photos o Publications/ Media: Final press release, final broshure, e-publications – final Fact Sheet (results exposed), take photos o Events: final conference, last seminar, speakers in various events Involvement of political and other stakeholders in capitalisation o Events: visits of decision makers to projects/its events o Publications/ Media: Studies, reports, press release on results
KEEP/ ENPI Info Centre 6 KEEPKEEP - Knowledge and Expertise in European Programmes KEEP is conceived as an online tool and internet portal that utilizes, capitalizes and ensures the transfer of the knowledge of both INTERACT and European Territorial Cooperation programme information and gives an overview of INTERREG / European Territorial Cooperation projects. Visit KEEP Data Base – ENPI Info Centre – News Alerts, Features, Handbooks, Photo Library etc. covering the Partnercountries including Russian Federation ENPI Info Centre Presentation Visit ENPI Info Centre –
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