EUMETSAT, July 2013 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Satellite Event Working Group by EUMETSAT Presented to CGMS-41, WGII/3.


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Presentation transcript:

EUMETSAT, July 2013 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Satellite Event Working Group by EUMETSAT Presented to CGMS-41, WGII/3

EUMETSAT, July 2013 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Introduction

EUMETSAT, July 2013 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Recommendation CGMS-39 (39.12): CGMS Satellite Operators to provide regular information on satellite/ instruments events affecting calibration and establish corresponding websites. (minutes CGMS- 39). Action CGMS-40 (WG II Action 40.15): NOAA and EUMETSAT are invited to present a consensus concept and realisation of a calibrations events logging system with emphasis on issues and lessons learned. Background – Actions from CGMS and GSICS

EUMETSAT, July 2013 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Response CGMS-40 (WG II Action 40.15)

EUMETSAT, July 2013 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS  A collaboration has been established with NOAA;  First steps towards designing and testing a unified approach for logging satellite calibration events (EUMETSAT and NOAA);  Assessment of existing event logging systems;  Sort listing of most occurring calibration/missing data events. Activities since CGMS-40

EUMETSAT, July 2013 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Schematic Representation

EUMETSAT, July 2013 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Adopting to Common Standards Fig.: Proposed ISO complaint data model developed by (NOAA, A. Jelenak)

EUMETSAT, July 2013 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Assessment of existing event logging systems AgencySystem(s)Web-site EUMETSATMeteosat Metop NOAAPOES NOAAVIRRS KMACOMS JMAMTSAT Table 1: Overview of event logging systems deployed at different space agencies

EUMETSAT, July 2013 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Most occurring event types Geometric Calibration Events general announcement spacecraft-anomaly geometric calibration drift geometric calibration anomaly geometric calibration correction co-registration error Radiometric Calibration Events general announcement spacecraft-anomaly radiometric calibration drift radiometric calibration anomaly radiometric calibration correction Processing Update Events general announcement ground-segment-maintenance ground-segment-anomaly processor update auxiliary data update Missing Data Events general announcement spacecraft-anomaly instrument-maintenance instrument-anomaly ground-segment-maintenance ground-segment-anomaly in-plane-manoeuvre out-of-plane-manoeuvre eclipse-season lunar-eclipse

EUMETSAT, July 2013 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS LESSONS LEARNED

EUMETSAT, July 2013 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS –Scientific and operational users request for a unified event logging approach; –Scientific and operational users request for information on historic events; –Scientific and operational users prefer a single entry point giving access to a calibration events database from all satellite missions. –First tests with the data model proposed by NOAA are positive, and indicate that it may be used as building stone for a unified calibration events logging approach; –Space agencies generally log calibration events; –The number of most occurring event types relatively small (< 30 types); Lessons Learned

EUMETSAT, July 2013 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS NEXT STEPS

EUMETSAT, July 2013 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS To discuss and adopt the list of standard Event Type Names; To test the robustness of the data model, through an extended test pilot, using events reported by other programs and/or other space agencies; To report on the final concept of the data model; To propose different options for developing a unified calibration events logging approach. The proposal shall discuss the technical, financial, planning, implementation, and labour related implications of the different options. The proposed options shall be presented at to the CGMS partners at CGMS-42. Next Steps

EUMETSAT, July 2013 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS 1.CGMS and GSICS partners to agree on a common list of calibration event type names to be presented at CGMS-42; 2.CGMS and GSICS partners to comment on proposed options for a unified calibration events logging approach. Recommendations proposed

EUMETSAT, July 2013 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Thank You Any Questions?

EUMETSAT, July 2013 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Mission Information General information on the platform and instruments operated in the mission that is relevant to all users of the satellite data Irregular Events Events at satellite level that are not occurring systematically and that impact the radiometric or geometric quality of the observations due to instruments calibrations, manoeuvres or miscellaneous. Processing Events Updates of the processing algorithms (onboard or ground seg.) or reprocessing events (ground seg.) that modify the radiometric or geometric quality of the observations. Missing Data Events that triggered the temporary or definitive end of the data collection. Main Categories