Urban Benchmarking step-by-step USESPON workshop on Urban Benchmarking Dorota Celińska-Janowicz
Urban Benchmarking step-by-step Aim Scope Data: gathering & analysis Visualisation Interpretation Discussion
Urban Benchmarking step-by-step Aim Scope Data: Gathering and analysis Visualisation Interpretation Discussion
Step 1: Aim and scope Aim Diagnosis (assessment) Development goals (strategic documents, consultations) Communication about achievements Scope Type of analysis: processes vs results Type of reference group – other cities, external standards Thematic scope Reference group – selection criteria, final choice TRAP: Starting analysis without defining an aim TRAP: Starting analysis without defining an aim ESPON FOCI, SGPTD, ESPON typologies
Identification of cities for a reference group ESPON FOCI: Typology of metropoltan areas,based on GDP dynamic
Urban Benchmarking step-by-step Aim Scope Data: Gathering and analysis Visualisation Interpretation Discussion
Step 2: Data and visualisation Gathering data Sources: national, Eurostat, ESPON Completeness - time, territorial Comparability - methodology of indicators (important also during interpretation) Final selection of indicators (accurate, understandable, interpretable, adequate number) Qualitative elements – yes/no Preliminary database Calculations relativisation– per capita, density, percentages, combining categiories, standarisation of units, currencies Final database Visualisation: maps, graphs TRAPS: - Concentration on easily measurable factors - Outdated indicators TRAPS: - Concentration on easily measurable factors - Outdated indicators ESPON Database, Hyperatlas, CityBench
Visualisation Benchmarking of Warsaw, Berlin and Paris metropolitan areas Source: TRAPS: - Map: choice of presentation method (cartogram, diagrams), adequate intervals - Information oversupply – lack of readability TRAPS: - Map: choice of presentation method (cartogram, diagrams), adequate intervals - Information oversupply – lack of readability ESPON Best Metropolises
Visualisation Source: Eurostat Aim of the analysis – diagnosis made by experts (specialists) Aim of the analysis – communication to public audience
Visualisation Source:
Urban Benchmarking step-by-step Aim Scope Data: gathering and analysis Visualisation Interpretation Discussion
Step 3: Interpretation and discussion Unusual results (outliers) Calculation mistakes Data quality Comparison to the reference group Which values are good – high, low, medium Our city compared to others – strenghts and weaknesses >> causes>> ways of improvement Qualitative aspects – now they can be included into analysis Trends (historical data) Postive/negative/neutral Possible causes – universal, specific for our city The aim Diagnosis >> improvement plan >> benchmarking as monitoring Development goals Identification of the lider – source of good practices Communication – broader discussion TRAPS: - Misinterpretation - Ranking rather than Benchmarking - Best practices copy- paste approach TRAPS: - Misinterpretation - Ranking rather than Benchmarking - Best practices copy- paste approach
Useful links Źródło: Eurostat ESPON FOCI ESPON SGPTD ESPON BEST METROPOLISES ESPON CityBench ESPON Database database.espon.eu/db2database.espon.eu/db2 ESPON Hyperatlas EUROSTAT – Metropolitan Regions OECD Regional Statistics and Indicators
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