Meteorology Ch 3 Jeopardy “B” “C” “D” “E” “F” 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5
A location on a windward coast refers to a place where the prevailing wind is toward the land. 2
average temperature of the coldest month and warmest month. The annual range of temperature may be described as the difference between the average temperature of the coldest month and warmest month. 3
There is more area covered by water in the southern hemisphere The annual temperature range at most latitudes in the southern hemisphere is much smaller than in the northern hemisphere. Why? There is more area covered by water in the southern hemisphere 4
Temperatures at the earth's surface tend to DECREASE when solar radiation at high latitudes. 5
The primary purpose served by surface ocean currents is to: transfer heat and equalize the imbalance of energy between the poles and the equator. 6
Since the equator-to-pole temperature contrast is the major cause of atmospheric circulations, you would expect wind speeds to be slowest in the summer 7
The specific heat of water is high; what does this mean? Water must gain or lose large amounts of energy when its temperature changes. 8
The minimum temperature usually occurs near sunrise because Earth experiences a net loss of radiation until then 9
How is the daily MEAN temperature affected by the presence of clouds cooler 10
recognition of temperature patterns. A primary reason for drawing isotherms on a map of temperature values is to allow recognition of temperature patterns. 11
The ________ is often used in making a thermograph. bimetal strip 12
An energy surplus in the atmosphere from solar radiation occurs in the afternoon 13
Which month is most likely to be the HOTTEST in the northern hemisphere? August 14
Heat waves are usually more severe in: Large urban areas 15
True or False: A dry location is more likely than a humid location to have its maximum temperature in the late afternoon true 16
True or false: Cloud cover reduces both the daily high and daily low temperatures. 17
True or False: Cloud cover reduces both the daily high and daily low temperatures. 18
True or False: Surface air temperatures rise and fall more slowly over land areas. 19
True or false: The daily temperature range is greater at higher elevations 20
____ is a generated by a transfer of energy. heat 21
Quito is at a higher elevation. Why are average monthly temperatures cooler in Quito, Ecuador than Guayaquil, Ecuador? Quito is at a higher elevation. 22
inside a shelter painted white Where is the best location to place a thermometer for an accurate air temperature reading? inside a shelter painted white 23
The ________ instrument contains a liquid of low density such as alcohol. minimum thermometer 24
If the maximum temperature for a particular day is 26 degrees C and the minimum temperature is 14 degrees C, the daily mean would be: 20 degrees C 25
_____ are lines of similar temperature points on a weather map. . isotherms 26
The primary control of the daily cycle of air temperature is Earth’s ? rotation 27
________ effects atmospheric pressure and air density altitude 28
Clouds reflect incoming _______ radiation 29
______________ is one of the basic elements of weather and climate. temperature 30
On maps illustrating the world distribution of temperature, isotherms, lines that connect points of equal temperature, generally: Trend east and west 31