TIFR Mumbai India Feb Ágnes Mócsy at RBRC 1 Quarkonium as Signal of Deconfinement Ágnes Mócsy Thanks to Sourendu, Saumen, Rajeev, Rajiv!
TIFR Mumbai India Feb Ágnes Mócsy at RBRC 2 In this talk: Why quarkonium at finite T interesting Initial interpretation of quarkonium lattice data Results from potential model. Comparison to lattice Upper limit binding energies. Estimates of upper limit dissociation T Comments on the potential Conclusions based on Á. Mócsy, P. PetreczkyPhys. Rev. D 77, (2008) Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, (2007) based on Á. Mócsy, P. PetreczkyPhys. Rev. D 77, (2008) Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, (2007)
TIFR Mumbai India Feb Ágnes Mócsy at RBRC 3 can signal QGP formation in heavy ion collisions Matsui and Satz (1986) Screening in deconfined matter weakens potential (force) between heavy quark and antiquark. Color Screening J/ melting confined deconfined J/ r V(r)
TIFR Mumbai India Feb Ágnes Mócsy at RBRC 4 can signal QGP formation in heavy ion collisions Matsui and Satz (1986) Screening in deconfined matter weakens potential (force) between heavy quark and antiquark. Strong screening seen in Lattice RBC-Bielefeld Collab. (2007) Free energy of a static Q-Qbar in N f =2+1 Color Screening J/ melting Poster by K.Petrov With increasing T screening sets in at shorter and shorter distances Model independent statement Range of interaction between Q and Qbar is strongly reduced Model independent statement Range of interaction between Q and Qbar is strongly reduced
TIFR Mumbai India Feb Ágnes Mócsy at RBRC 5 can signal QGP formation in heavy ion collisions Matsui and Satz (1986) RBC-Bielefeld Collab. (2007) Free energy of a static Q-Qbar in N f =2+1 Color Screening J/ melting QGP thermometer T/T C 1/ r [fm -1 ] (1S) J/ (1S) c (1P) ’(2S) b ’(2P) ’’(3S) With increasing T screening sets in at shorter and shorter distances Strong screening seen in Lattice Model independent statement Range of interaction between Q and Qbar is strongly reduced Model independent statement Range of interaction between Q and Qbar is strongly reduced
TIFR Mumbai India Feb Ágnes Mócsy at RBRC 6 can signal QGP formation in heavy ion collisions Matsui and Satz (1986) J/ suppression measured at SPS and RHIC Color Screening J/ melting QGP thermometer T/T C 1/ r [fm -1 ] (1S) J/ (1S) c (1P) ’(2S) b ’(2P) ’’(3S) Must know quarkonia properties, dissociation temperatures! NA50 at SPS (0<y<1) PHENIX at RHIC (|y|<0.35) Bar: uncorrelated error Bracket : correlated error Global error = 12% is not shown
TIFR Mumbai India Feb Ágnes Mócsy at RBRC 7 Potential ModelsLattice QCD
TIFR Mumbai India Feb Ágnes Mócsy at RBRC 8 Spectral Functions Extracted from Lattice Common interpretation : 1S ground state survives (unaffected) well above T C Common interpretation : 1S ground state survives (unaffected) well above T C cc Would the J/ survive unaffected in the QGP up to 1.5-2T c even though strong screening is present ? Jakovác,Petreczky,Petrov,Velitsky PRD (2007) Started an avalanche of new potential model works to explain J/ survival Digal et al,Shuryak,Zahed,Blaschke,Wong, Rapp, Alberico,Manarelli, Cabrera, … Unified treatment of bound-, scattering states, threshold effects Asakawa, Hatsuda, Umeda, Datta et al, Iida, Jakovac et al, Aarts et al …
TIFR Mumbai India Feb Ágnes Mócsy at RBRC 9 Euclidean-time Correlators 3. In ratio lattice artifacts understood - Mócsy, Petreczky EJP 2007 to answer, Look at 1. Numerical results more reliable - directly measured on the Lattice Because: Correlator MEASURED Spectral Function EXTRACTED with MEM Kernel cosh[ ( -1/2T)]/sinh[ /2T] 2. Ratio of correlators eliminates trivial T-dependence of K Mócsy, Petreczky PRD 2005
TIFR Mumbai India Feb Ágnes Mócsy at RBRC 10 Initial interpretation: 1 spectral function modified, state melts = 1 spectral function unchanged, state survives J/ ( c ) survives up to 1.5-2T c and c melts by 1.1 T c has been reported Potential models must be checked for agreement with lattice data on correlators as well calculate in potential model compare to lattice data cc Datta et al PRD 04 cc
TIFR Mumbai India Feb Ágnes Mócsy at RBRC 11 in contradiction with statements made in the literature Correlator at T=0 Relativistic continuum seen on the lattice Mócsy, Petreczky, PRD 08 Non-relativistic continuum Relativistic continuum Lattice data from Datta et al, PRD 05
TIFR Mumbai India Feb Ágnes Mócsy at RBRC 12 Potential Model with N f =0 cc No resonance-like structures at 1.2T c Seemingly contradicts previous claims. Near threshold there is an enhancement above free quark propagation. Indicates correlation. Pseudoscalar results with potential constrained by lattice free energy data Threshold enhancement compensates for melting of states Lattice data ~ 2% For the First Time Agreement between potential model and lattice correlators to few % and for all states Jakovác et al PRD (07) Lattice data is consistent with J/ melting above T c Details cannot be resolved
TIFR Mumbai India Feb Ágnes Mócsy at RBRC 13 Constant contribution in the correlator quark number susceptibility 1.5 T c Zero-mode contribution Threshold enhancement compensates for dissolution of states Scalar channel contains low frequency contribution at finite temperature Bound and unbound Q-Qbar pairs ( >2m Q ) Bound and unbound Q-Qbar pairs ( >2m Q ) Quasi-free heavy quarks interacting with the medium following Umdeda, PRD 07 Zero mode is not present in the derivative of correlator Dissolution of the c does not lead to large increase in the correlator
TIFR Mumbai India Feb Ágnes Mócsy at RBRC 14 When E bin < T, state is waekly bound and thermal fluctuations can destroy it. Do not need to reach the usual E bin =0 to dissociate a state. Potential constrained by lattice free energy data w. realistic quark masses E bin = 2m q +V ∞ (T)-M distance between peak position and continuum threshold Spectral function may show resonance-like peak structures but binding energy can be small { Potential Model with N f =2+1
TIFR Mumbai India Feb Ágnes Mócsy at RBRC 15 weak binding strong binding Binding Energy Upper Limit 1. Use the most confining potential still consistent with full QCD lattice data on static Q-antiQ energies 2. Estimate dissociation rate due to thermal activation (width) E bin < T following Kharzeev,McLerran,Satz, PLB Ad hoc choice dissociation condition: Thermal width > 2 x Binding energy
TIFR Mumbai India Feb Ágnes Mócsy at RBRC 16 Dissociation Temperatures in QCD Upper Bound estimate Mócsy, Petreczky PRL (2007) Implications for heavy ion phenomenology to consider Similarity of J/ R AA at SPS and RHIC? Upsilon suppression at RHIC? Calibration of the QGP thermometer T/T C 1/ r [fm -1 ] (1S) J/ (1S) ’(2S) c (1P) ’(2S) b ’(2P) ’’(3S) TCTC b (1P)
TIFR Mumbai India Feb Ágnes Mócsy at RBRC 17 Set of potentials at 1.2T c T=0 potential lattice internal energy lattice free energy pseudoscalar G/G rec from set of potentials all agree with correlator lattice data Comment on the potential
TIFR Mumbai India Feb Ágnes Mócsy at RBRC 18 For the first Time agreement is found between a potential model and lattice correlators for all states Summary Lattice data are consistent with J/ dissociation just above T c what has changed? Flatness of G/G rec and lattice spectral function peak does not necessarily imply survival, as it was thought before. Increase in correlators is due to different physics, not dissociation. G/G rec are flat in all channels. Indication of Q- Qbar correlation. Lattice data are consistent with J/ dissociation just above T c what has changed? Flatness of G/G rec and lattice spectral function peak does not necessarily imply survival, as it was thought before. Increase in correlators is due to different physics, not dissociation. G/G rec are flat in all channels. Indication of Q- Qbar correlation. Determined upper limit on binding energies using lattice data on free and internal energy together with potential model. Estimate of upper limit on dissociation temperatures indicate that most states except the and b are dissolved close to T c
TIFR Mumbai India Feb Ágnes Mócsy at RBRC 19 ****The END****