BIOL 241 practice Lab By Chidimma Okoye
Name the bone part 2 1 3
1 Sphenoid bone 2 Zygomatic bone 3 Mastoid process
Name the bone part 3 1 2
1 Mandibula fossa 2 Occipital condyle 3 External occipital protuberance
Name bone
Name bone part 1 2 3
1 Acetabulum 2 Ishium 3 Pubis
Name bone 1 2
1 Ulna 2 Radius
Name the body parts
Names of the body parts 1 Mental 2 Cervical 3 Brachial 4 Pelvis 5 Carpel 6 Patellar 7 Tarsal 8 Acromial 9 Sacral 10 Popliteal
Identify the tissue 1
Identify the bone 6
Identify the tissue 7
Names of the tissue 1 Simple squamous epithelial tissue 2 Simple cuboidal epithelial tissue 3 Simple columnar epithelial tissue 4 Pseudo stratified columnar epithelial tissue 5 Transitional epithelial tissue 6 Areolar CT 7 Adipose CT 8 Reticular CT 9 Dense regular CT 10 Hyaline cartilage
Name the joint 1
Name the body movements
Names of the joints 1 Synarthrotic fibrous 2 Synarthrotic fibrous 3 Diarthrotic synovial ball and socket 4 Diarthrotic synovial saddle 5 Diarthrotic synovial hinge
Names of the body movements 1 Flexion 2 Extension 3 Abduction 4 Adduction 5 Circumduction 6 Rotation
Name parts of the muscles
Name the muscle parts
Names of the muscle parts 1 Orbicularis oris 2 Tensor fascia latae 3 Sartorius 4 Pectoralis major 5 External oblique 6 Pectineus 7 Teres major 8 Infraspinatus 9 latissimus dorsi 10 Semitendinosus 11 Semimembranosus 12 Gastrocnemius
Name the parts of the brain
Names of the parts of the brain 1 Corpus callosum 2 Lateral ventricle 3 Thalamus 4 Pineal gland 5 Arbor vitae 6 4 th ventricle 7 Hypothalamus 8 Optic chiasm 9 Pituitary gland 10 Pons 11 Medulla oblongata
Name the parts of the eye
Names of the eye parts 1 Ciliary bodies (process) 2 Cornea 3 Iris 4 Lens 5 Aqueous humor (anterior) 6 Vitreous humor (posterior) 7 Sclera 8 Choroid 9 Optic nerve 10 Retina
Name the ear parts
Names of the ear parts 1 Malleus 2 Incus 3 Stapes 4 Tympanic membrane 5 Oval window 6 semicircular canals 7 Vestibule 8 Cochlea 9 Cochlea nerve
Name the parts of the ear 1 2 3
Names of ear parts 1 Tectorial membrane 2 Spiral organ of corti 3 Basilar membrane