From Cuoricino to CUORE: towards the inverted hierarchy region Andrea Giuliani On behalf of the CUORE collaboration University of Insubria (Como) and INFN Milano-Bicocca
Double Beta Decay: physics and experimental issues 130 Te and bolometers Structure of Cuoricino and present results From Cuoricino to CUORE The background: model, investigation and solution Outline of the talk Cuoricino and CUORE potential according to recent nuclear calculations Conclusions
Double Beta Decay: physics and experimental issues 130 Te and bolometers Structure of Cuoricino and present results From Cuoricino to CUORE The background: model, investigation and solution Outline of the talk Cuoricino and CUORE potential according to recent nuclear calculations Conclusions
Decay modes for Double Beta Decay (A,Z) (A,Z+2) + 2e - neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (0 -DBD) never observed (except a discussed claim) > y (A,Z) (A,Z+2) + 2e e 2 Double Beta Decay allowed by the Standard Model already observed – y Two decay modes are usually discussed: Double Beta Decay is a very rare, second-order weak nuclear transition which is possible for a few tens of even-even nuclides Process would imply new physics beyond the Standard Model violation of lepton number conservation m 0 Observation of 0 -DBD
Electron sum energy spectra in DBD The shape of the two electron sum energy spectrum enables to distinguish among the two different discussed decay modes sum electron energy / Q two neutrino DBD continuum with maximum at ~1/3 Q neutrinoless DBD peak enlarged only by the detector energy resolution
Experimental approaches to direct searches Two approaches for the detection of the two electrons: e-e- e-e- Source Detector (calorimetric technique) scintillation solid-state devices gaseous detectors cryogenic macrocalorimeters (bolometers) No or scarce background identification High efficiency Energy resolution e-e- e-e- source detector Source Detector scintillation gaseous TPC gaseous drift chamber with magnetic field and calorimetry Event reconstruction Low efficiency Low energy resolution
Double Beta Decay: physics and experimental issues 130 Te and bolometers Structure of Cuoricino and present results From Cuoricino to CUORE The background: model, investigation and solution Outline of the talk Cuoricino and CUORE potential according to recent nuclear calculations Conclusions
Properties of 130 Te as a DBD emitter high natural isotopic abundance (I.A. = %) high transition energy ( Q = 2530 keV ) encouraging theoretical calculations for 0 DBD lifetime already observed with geo-chemical techniques ( incl = ( ) y) 2 DBD decay observed by a precursor bolometric experiment (MIBETA) and by NEMO3 at the level = ( ) y excellent feature for reasonable-cost expansion of Double Beta Decay experiments large phase space, lower background (clean window between full energy and Compton edge of 208 Tl photons) M 50 meV 2x10 26 y 130 Te features as a DBD candidate:
The bolometric technique for 130 Te: detector concepts Temperature signal: T = E/C 0.1 mK for E = 1 MeV Bias: I 0.1 nA Joule power 1 pW Temperature rise 0.25 mK Voltage signal: V = I dR/dT T V = 1 mV for E = 1 MeV Noise over signal bandwidth (a few Hz): V rms = 0.2 V Signal recovery time: = C/G 0.5 s In real life signal about a factor smaller Energy resolution (FWHM): 1 keV Heat sink T 10 mK Thermal coupling G 4 nW / K = 4 pW / mK Thermometer NTD Ge-thermistor R 100 M dR/dT 100 k Energy absorber TeO 2 crystal C 2 nJ/K 1 MeV / 0.1 mK Te dominates in mass the compound Excellent mechanical and thermal properties
A physical realization of bolometers for DBD Energy absorber single TeO 2 crystal 790 g 5 x 5 x 5 cm Thermometer (doped Ge chip)
Double Beta Decay: physics and experimental issues 130 Te and bolometers Structure of Cuoricino and present results From Cuoricino to CUORE The background: model, investigation and solution Outline of the talk Cuoricino and CUORE potential according to recent nuclear calculations Conclusions
Cuoricino and CUORE Location Cuoricino experiment is installed in Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso L'Aquila – ITALY the mountain provides a 3500 m.w.e. shield against cosmic rays R&D final tests for CUORE (hall C) CUORE (hall A) Cuoricino (hall A)
CUORICINO = tower of 13 modules, 11 modules x 4 detector (790 g) each 2 modules x 9 detector (340 g) each M = ~ 41 kg ~ 5 x Te nuclides The CUORICINO set-up Cold finger Tower Lead shield Same cryostat and similar structure as previous pilot experiment Coldest point
Technical results on detector performances Energy [MeV] Counts (/1.2 keV) U Th calibration spectrum 208 Tl 214 Bi 40 K 228 Ac Performance of CUORICINO-type detectors (5 5 5 cm g): Detector base temperature: ~ 7 mK Detector operation temperature: ~ 9 mK Detector response: ~ 250 V/ MeV FWHM resolution: ~ MeV
130 Te 0 60 Co sum peak 2505 keV ~ 3 FWHM from DBD Q-value /2 0 (y) > 3.0 y (90% c.l.) M < 0.20 – 0.98 eV CUORICINO physics results MT = kg 130 Te y Bkg = 0.18±0.02 c/keV/kg/y Compilation of NME contained in Rodin et al. Nucl. Phys. A 2006 Average FWHM resolution for 790 g detectors: 7 keV
Double Beta Decay: physics and experimental issues 130 Te and bolometers Structure of Cuoricino and present results From Cuoricino to CUORE The background: model, investigation and solution Outline of the talk Cuoricino and CUORE potential according to recent nuclear calculations Conclusions
CUORE = closely packed array of 988 detectors 19 towers - 13 modules/tower - 4 detectors/module M = 741 kg ~ Te nuclides Compact structure, ideal for active shielding From CUORICINO to CUORE ( Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events ) Each tower is a CUORICINO-like detector Special dilution refrigerator
CUORE funding and schedule CUORE has a dedicated site in LNGS and the construction will start soon The CUORE refrigerator is fully funded and has already been ordered 1000 crystals are fully funded by INFN and DoE The first CUORE tower will be assembled in 2008 and operated in 2009 CUORE data taking is foreseen in 2011
CUORE sensitivity Montecarlo simulations of the background show that b ~ counts / (keV kg y) is possible with the present bulk contamination of detector materials The problem is the surface background (energy-degraded alpha, beta ) It must be reduced by more than a factor 10 with respect to Cuoricino: work in progress! F 0 = 9.2 ( T [ y ] ) 1/2 F 0 = 2.9 ( T [ y ] ) 1/2 5 y sensitivity (1 ) with conservative Assumption: b = 0.01 counts/(keV kg y) FWHM = 10 keV 5 y sensitivity (1 ) with aggressive assumption: b = counts/(keV kg y) FWHM = 5 keV M < 20 – 100 meV M < 11 – 60 meV
Double Beta Decay: physics and experimental issues 130 Te and bolometers Structure of Cuoricino and present results From Cuoricino to CUORE The background: model, investigation and solution Outline of the talk Cuoricino and CUORE potential according to recent nuclear calculations Conclusions
The CUORE background model The sources of the background 1.Radioactive contamination in the detector materials (bulk and surface) 2.Radioactive contamination in the set-up, shielding included 3.Neutrons from rock radioactivity 4.Muon-induced neutrons Monte Carlo simulation of the CUORE background based on: 1.CUORE baseline structure and geometry 2.Gamma and alpha counting with HPGe and Si-barrier detectors 3.Cuoricino experience Cuoricino background model 4.Specific measurements with dedicated detectors in test refrigerator in LNGS Results…..
The CUORE background components Component Background in DBD region ( counts/keV kg y ) Environmental gamma Apparatus gamma Crystal bulk Crystal surfaces Close-to-det. material bulk Close-to-det. material surface Neutrons Muons < 1 < 0.1 < 3 < 1 ~ 20 – 40 ~ 0.01 The only limiting factor
The Cuoricino background and the surface radioactivity model 214 Bi 60 Co p.u. 208 Tl ~ 0.11 c / keV kg y Gamma region
Reconstruction of the Cuoricino spectrum in the region 2.5 – 6.5 MeV 0 DBD Additional component required here
The additional component: inert material surface contamination In order to explain the MeV region BKG, one has to introduce 238 U or 210 Pb surface contamination of the copper structure facing the detectors
(A) Passive methods surface cleaning (B) Active methods ( “reserve weapons” and diagnostic ) events ID Mechanical action Chemical etching / electrolitical processes Passivation Strategies for the control of the surface background from inert materials surface sensitive bolometers scintillating bolometers able to separate from electrons Claudia Nones’ talk in DM parallel section
Double Beta Decay: physics and experimental issues 130 Te and bolometers Structure of Cuoricino and present results From Cuoricino to CUORE The background: model, investigation and solution Outline of the talk Cuoricino and CUORE potential according to recent nuclear calculations Conclusions
Can Cuoricino scrutinize the HM claim of evidence? T 1/2 0v (y) = ( ) (3σ range) m ββ = 0.24 – 0.58 eV (3σ range) Klapdor et al. Physics Letters B 586 (2004) Best value: 1.19x10 25 y Nuclear matrix element of Muto-Bender-Klapdor Cuoricino and the HM claim of evidence Evidence of 0 DBD decay claimed by a part of the Heidelberg-Moscow experiment (Klapdor et al.) in the nuclide 76 Ge
T 1/2 0v (Klapdor et al.) T 1/2 0v ( 130 Te)Choose a nuclear model Comparison of experimental results in a given nuclear model / / )( )( v Ge v Te v Ge v Te v v M M G G KlapdorT TeT (T 0 1/2 ) -1 = G 0 |M 0 | 2 M 2 QRPA Tuebingen-Bratislava -Caltech group: erratum of nucl-th/ QRPA Jyväskylä group: nucl-th/ Shell Model: Poves’ 4th ILIAS Annual Meeting - Chambery For the nuclear models, consider three active schools of thoughts: C. Nones, talk at. DBD06 Workshop, ILIAS-WG1, Valencia, April 2006
T 1/2 x y for 130 Te QRPA Jyväskylä et al. Shell model QRPA Tuebingen et al. Cuoricino and the 76 Ge claim of evidence 7x10 24 y Final sensitivity 3x10 24 y Present limit The HM claim half life range (3 ) is converted into a corresponding range for 130 Te using the three mentioned models Nuclear models
CUORE and the inverted hierarchy region Quasi-degenarate S. Pascoli, S.T. Petcov Inverted hierarchy Normal hierarchy ~20 meV ~50 meV Inverted hierarchy band M Lightest neutrino mass
CUORE and the inverted hierarchy region M band corresponding to the inverted hierarchy band of 130 Te half lives Nuclear models T 1/2 x y for 130 Te QRPA Tuebingen et al. Shell Model QRPAJyväskylä et al. Nuclear models CUORE_ conservative (5 y) CUORE Aggressive (5 y)
Double Beta Decay: physics and experimental issues 130 Te and bolometers Structure of Cuoricino and present results From Cuoricino to CUORE The background: model, investigation and solution Outline of the talk Cuoricino and CUORE potential according to recent nuclear calculations Conclusions
Conclusions Bolometers represent a well established technique, very competitive for neutrinoless DBD search Cuoricino is presently the most sensitive 0 DBD running experiment, with a high chance to confirm the HM claim of evidence if this is correct Cuoricino demonstrates the feasibility of a large scale bolometric detector (CUORE) with high energy resolution and competitive background CUORE, a next generation detector, is funded and will start to take data in 2011 Recent results on background suppression confirm the capability to start to explore the inverted hierarchy mass region