Grade 3 Bettie F. Williams Elementary Africa North America South America Africa Social Studies Review Europe Grade 3 Bettie F. Williams Elementary Asia Antarctica Australia
In today’s lesson you will read pages, to yourself, about map skills and explorers. At the end of the lesson you will take a 10 question quiz about what you have read. To find the answers to the questions, click on the blue arrows, go back, and reread the pages. Write the answers on your study guide.
North America We live in the city of Virginia Beach. We live in the state of Virginia. We live on the continent of North America. This is a map of North America. The red arrow is pointing to where we live.
There are 4 oceans on the Earth. Can you name them There are 4 oceans on the Earth. Can you name them? The names of the oceans are in yellow boxes that are outlined with blue.
Look at the map below. Do you know what the yellow line represents Look at the map below. Do you know what the yellow line represents? The yellow line is the Prime Meridian. The Prime Meridian runs north to south. It divides the Earth into eastern and western hemispheres.
If the yellow line is the Prime Meridian, then what is the red line If the yellow line is the Prime Meridian, then what is the red line? That’s right, the red line is the equator. The equator runs from east to west and divides the Earth into northern and southern hemispheres.
This map shows part of the route that Ponce de Leon took to find St This map shows part of the route that Ponce de Leon took to find St. Augustine, Florida
Christopher Columbus sailed from Spain to San Salvador.
France sponsored Jacque Cartier’s voyage from France to land near Quebec, Canada.
The arrow on this page is pointing to Rome The arrow on this page is pointing to Rome. Rome is in the country of Italy, on the continent of Europe.
ROME The Colosseum is found in Rome. Our Republican (representative) form of government is from Rome.
Greece is the country at the end of the red arrow Greece is the country at the end of the red arrow. Greece is a country in Europe.
GREECE The Parthenon can be found in Greece. Greece is the birthplace of democracy (government by the people).
Mali is the green country on this map of Africa. Mali lay across the trade routes between the sources of salt in the Sahara Desert and the gold mines of West Africa. For the people of the desert, salt was a natural resource. People used salt for their health and for preserving foods. Miners found gold in Western Africa. Therefore, salt was traded for gold.
Let’s Review! There are 7 continents. North America South America Europe Asia Africa Australia Antarctica
The four oceans are Atlantic Pacific Indian Arctic
Explorers Explorer Sponsored by Found Explorer was looking for Christopher Newport England Jamestown Virginia A way to colonize VA Juan Ponce de Leon Spain St. Augustine, Florida The Fountain of Youth and to discover riches Christopher Columbus San Salvador An westward route to Asia Jacque Cartier France Land near Quebec, Canada Gold and riches and he wanted to colonize the new world
Quiz Time Read the questions on the next pages and write the correct answer on your study guide. If you are not sure about the answer, click on the blue arrow to go back and reread the lesson.
1. What is the name of the imaginary line that runs east to west and divides the Earth into northern and southern hemispheres?
2. What is the imaginary line that divides the earth into eastern and western hemispheres? It runs north and south.
3. What is the name of the continent that is to the south of North America?
4. What is the name of the ocean located near Virginia Beach, Virginia?
5. What is the name of the country we live in?
6. What continent is Virginia located on?
7. Who sponsored Christopher Newport’s voyage to the New World?
8. What did the people in Mali trade salt for?
9. Name the 4 oceans.
10. What was Christopher Newport’s reason for coming to Virginia?