Quick Review and a couple new facts!! Colonial America.


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Presentation transcript:

Quick Review and a couple new facts!! Colonial America

REVIEW!!! Columbus was Italian but he sailed for Spain Columbus found no gold, he made money selling slaves Natives that became extinct in the Caribbean because of disease and mistreatment were the Taino (Arawak)

Tobacco fun fact The word tobacco was inherited from the Taino Indians because they called their pipes tabaco, which they inserted in their nose so the smoke could be inhaled deeply

Slave Trade When Natives were wiped out as slaves they were replaced by Africans Atlantic Slave Trade will drain Africa of 12,000,000 people (most of its strongest people)

Columbian Exchange Merchants and royalty will see the Americas as a place to conquer, a place that will make them rich!!!! Thousands of Europeans will gradually cross the big pond voluntarily and migrate to America Trade will help Europe and America grow (and it didn’t hurt that they had free labor

Spain and Portugal Treat of Tordesillas Spain and Portugal will agree to divide up the Western Hemisphere (at this time mostly south and central America along with the Caribbean Islands)

Colonization or Imperialism Conquistadors (ruthless Spanish conqueror) will flock to the Americas Searching for gold, land, and spreading Christianity Hernado Cortes will overthrow the Aztecs

Uses the encomienda system (cruel slave labor)

In case you wondered why there is a large Spanish population in the South Conquistadors will then push into North America They will settle in modern day Florida, New Mexico, and Texas

Any Native Americans who resisted would be wiped out

Next stop Roanoke 4:21