E-Commerce Marketing Dr Klemushin Week #4 Wednesday October 10 Team #3 presents their dotcom brief Today’s class topics: - Looking ahead..a change for week#6 -All 5 teams solidify their small biz candidate -some highlights of GoogleAdwords - the PerfectPlan Case Study see eres for several docs to download for doing the “PerfectPlan Case Study” homework-required Homework-Case Study on the PerfectPlan see eres for docs to read/review
Looking Ahead: weeks 4 – 5 – 6 -- a change in week#6 This week 4: Oct 8: GoogleAdords –search mktg: Michael Reeves Oct 10: Team #3 presents dotcom brief Class topic: The PerfectPlan Case Study for homework Week 5: Oct 15 : Social Media Mktg: Maya GrinBerg, Wildfire/Google Oct 17: Team# 4 presents their dotcom brief Week#6: Oct 22: Team#5 presents their dotcom brief Oct 24: Linkedin guest speaker
Google: cost per click & CPA example using Traffic Estimator tool For homework : we looked up ‘men slippers’— how many daily clicks and the estimated daily cost? How does the budget affect results? CPA? Try: $2 max cpc $100 per day budget decreasing the budget, decreases the # of clicks per day on the ad Assume a 10% conversion rate, then it takes 10 clicks/sale calculate the CPA = cost per desired action note: desired action can be a sale, order, download, call, signup,… conversion rate = number of clicks required to get a desired action CPA = CPC / conversion rate or {cost/click} x{clicks/sale} estimated cpc = $0.83 and CPA= {$.83} / {0.10} =$8.30 or CPA = $.83 x 10 = $8.30
The Google Adwords mktg Process Show a diagram on the white –board keywords(CPC)…Ad….SERP (CTR)…landing page (CTA)… …conversion (CR-conversion rate), CPA cost per desired action
Google Adwords—Benefits to Business Why medium & large biz use G Adords --and small biz need to optimize to afford it 1. Huge Reach 2. Pay for Performance 3. It gets results! 4. Metrics—Measure everything 5. You choose where you take the ‘prospect’ who clicks on your ad Lots of powerful free tools like Google Analytics -lots of techniques—like using Long tail keywords
the PerfectPlan Case Study –A chance for you to try 2 types of marketing Campaigns—as a homework assignment… -It is an example of Mktg Campaigns that a B2B company actually did with the goal of hundreds of hot leads & new customers for their new retirement product. required to do & hand in on Monday Oct 15 (keep a copy for yourself-since we have a guest speaker ).
Explaining The PerfectPlan Case Study ---using different sales & marketing methods to reach & influence a high-income target market. The Situation Analysis…the date is Sept 15. META - A Financial Services firm in California- has just receceived the IRS approval for a new Retirement Plan for Small Business Owners - META’s annual fee for administering the new plan is $1500 per year - META sets a goal to sell 2000 new plans by Dec 31 st.. only 14 weeks to plan and execute. - the Mktg budget is $100,000 - CEO wants his team to try different marketing methods Visit :Onepersonplus.com to see the details behind this retirement plan offering. see alternative retirement plans: IRA, 401k, sepIRA,.. Read the PerfectPlan case study; the customer reference; see the table of needs Do the 9 questions in PerfectPlan Case Study document –all on eres. Due next Monday
The Mktg choices Meta team considered : Direct Mail Telemarketing--Outbound telephone calls Direct Sales Reps in 10 big cities Seminars across the US /Web Campaign PR – Public Relations in business/financial news The Meta team had 14 weeks to plan & execute the marketing campaigns:
First Steps before any Mktg Campaign: Some research & some assumptions Questions 1-9 in Perfect Plan Homework… Who are the targets for the mktg campaigns? 1. small business owners with high income and 1-5 employees Plus 2. their trusted advisors: their accountants(CPAs); financial advisors 3. Magazines that focus on the target customers for PerfectPlan Retirement (We need contact information to do mktg)
research & interviewing before mktg execution -The research helps us design the content of our mktg campaigns What are small business owners current options? and what is Perfect plan ’ s value proposition over them? - interview the current Perfect Plan customers: what were their questions? What were key reasons for signing up for PerfectPlan? How long did it take them to make the decision? How can we give them a ‘ taste ’ of PerfectPlan benefits? How can we streamline their decision process
Seminar Marketing - Estimating the process homework: Make assumptions for processes Can ‘seminar mktg’ meet the ‘Perfect Plan’goals? Key constraints : 1. the time to plan & carry out the logistics to build & execute a seminar campaign (Sept 15---Dec 31) 2. The cost - given we have a constraint of $100,000 Key assumptions & metrics: …Can we come up with an estimate of the cost for 1 seminar? What process & costs for the invitation process? How many people can we get to one seminar location? Can we estimate the conversion rate - the % that sign up to learn more Can we cestimate how many hot leads from a seminar attended by 100 people? Can we estimate CPA=the cost to get one hot lead from one seminar?
Planning an mktg campaign for PerfectPlan..Making assumptions on CTR and conversion rates #1—For example.. Need addresses for our target customers. Need to Investigate the sources & costs --how many times can we send an to same address? --ex: buy 10,000 / = $2000 #2- Need to create & test subject lines for each “ blast ” what subject lines & content to have relevance to our target customers? #3. Need to create(write) the content with Calls to action. #4. Need to Create the microsite with a landing page- to convert prospects into ‘hot leads’ for PerfectPlan. #5. Execute an mktg campaign weekly—run the numbers… What metrics can we estimate for CTR and conversions? Can mktg meet the goals & stay within constraints?
To Create the PerectPlan Microsite—start with ‘the landing page’ for a click thru from the …and more. See oneperson[plus.com the microsite a special purpose website will give the target customer more information..& a chance to understand this new plan Landing Page and the microsite’s key pages -- how many total pages? --what are options for the content?
Homework Put your team project into high gear… engage your small biz owner to get started on planning the Mktg campaigns: Website alternatives, , facebook page, google adwords, perhaps linkedin Every team member should have ‘ action activities. ” Connect with ConstantContact to start planning your team’s mktg campaigns Do the PerfectPlan Case study homework —and hand in at beginning of Monday’s class