Southern Cuisine
Learning Targets I can identify and locate the states in the Southern Region of the United States. I can differentiate between Soul Food, Creole Cuisine and Cajun Cuisine. I can identify common foods of the South.
MAP Arkansas Louisiana Mississippi Alabama Tennessee Kentucky West Virginia Virginia Georgia Florida South Carolina North Carolina
Facts about the South Immigrants from France, England, Ireland, Scotland, and Spain settled in the South. African slaves were brought over to work in the large plantations and mansions. As a result, the south has several influences on the cuisine. Cimate: mild Year round crops producing several important foods such as sugarcane, rice, and peanuts. Other fruits and vegetables are grown but mostly for personal use. Water and forest areas provide a great amount of fish and game.
Foods of the South Corn is a staple food Hominy grits, corn bread, and corn fritters Buttermilk biscuits Pig & Chicken are common proteins Fried Chicken Chitterlings, spareribs, cured ham, fat back and pig’s feet Rice is popular and grown in the Carolina region (rice & beans)
Soul Food Combination of food customs from African Americans, Native Americans and European Sharecroppers. Slaves were allowed to have small gardens, chickens and fish. They had to creatively use these foods to create delicious meals as a result they used everything (feet, snout, tongue) Popular vegetables include corn, squash, black- eyed peas, okra and greens. Okra originated in Africa and is usually breaded and fried or added to soups & stews. Yams were used to make fritters or sweet potato pie.
Creole Cuisine New Orleans is the home for Creole cuisine. Combination of French cooking techniques with ingredients from African, Caribbean, Spanish and Native American cultures. Gumbo: a thick, souplike mixture containing a variety of seafood, poultry, meats, vegetables, and rice. Jambalaya: a mixture of rice, seasonings, shellfish, poultry, and/or sausage. Beignets: Deep fried squares of bread dough served with a dusting of powdered sugar.
Cajun Cuisine Originated in Southern Louisiana Reflects foods and cooking methods of Acadians, French, Native Americans, Africans, and Spanish. Gumbo & Jambalaya often have hot peppers and other spicy seasonings. Dishes are generally prepared with crawfish, okra, rice, pecans, beans, and andouille (sausage).