WARM UP 3/13 Take the KWL on twins, do the K and W K - What do you know about twins? W - What do you want to know about twins? ( at least 2) L - What have you learned today about twins (3 things!) This needs to be done and turned in the tray at the end of the hour
TODAY 3/13 1)Notes on twins 2)Article on “nature vs nurture” with questions 3)Finish notes???? 4)Turn in KWL
CH 13 NOTES #2 3/13 Twins
TYPES OF TWINS 1.IDENTICAL (monozygotic) * 1 egg, 1 sperm * same DNA * zygote splits and develops into 2 babies (or more) * look the same, same gender
2.FRATERNAL (dizygotic) * 2 eggs, 2 sperm (or more) * can be same gender or different * do not look identical
Which is which?
Think and share with someone next to you Could you have triplet identical? How? How could you have 4 fraternal? What happens?
IN VIRTO * eggs taken out, sperm added, egg placed back in mother * to assure implanting, they put in several fertilized eggs. * often leads to multiple births
FUN FACTS Most every children to one woman: ? twins, 7 triplets, 4 quadruplets
Largest number of “twins” = Two offspring – twins Three offspring – triplets Four offspring – quadruplets Five offspring – quintuplets Six offspring – sextuplets Seven offspring – septuplets Eight offspring – octuplets Nine offspring – nonuplets Ten offspring – dectuplets
What 2 things does this show you?
Black and white twins “It wouldn’t really be possible for a black African father and a white mother to have a white child, because the African would carry only black skin gene variants in his DNA, so wouldn’t have any European DNA, with white skin variants, to pass on,” he explains. People of Caribbean descent are often likely to carry European DNA. Which, if you can remember back to your high school biology unit on genetics, is enough to create a striking difference.
Heteropaternal Superfecundation Is the term used when a woman becomes pregnant from two different man and gives birth to fraternal twins. Elvis Presley had a twin who did not survive after birth. His name was Jesse Garon!
What is this graph showing you?
If you have two identical twins living in the same house, raised by the same parents, do you think they will always turn out the same? 1 hand up = YES 2 hands up = NO What are some things that one twin could do that they other one didn’t that could make them look different, be different health, or act different?
Fraternal twins (girls) have twice the chance of giving birth to twins 1 in 250 pregnancies can result in identical twins In some African countries such as Nigeria, the rate of twin pregnancies can be as high as 1 in 20
YOUR DO NOW 3/14 Take out your Ch 13 notes #2 on twins from yesterday. On the spot about “Nature vs. Nurture and Twin Studies” write what you learned yesterday about this. (may talk to a person around you to help)
TODAY 3/14 1)Finish notes on last twin type 2)Vocab term cards for review
3.CONJOINED * 1 egg, 1 sperm (so identical) * zygote only partially separates * bodies are joined somewhere - share organs/ hard to separate
Science of conjoined twins Abby and Brittany Ronnie and Donnie Spider Girls