Partition Plan
Arab-Israeli War 1948
The Region
Post-1967 UNSC Resolution 242 Israel returns occupied territories All states recognize the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and right to exist of all other states.
Palestinian Liberation Organization: PLOPLO Yasir Arafat1972 Olympic Massacre
1973 War Timeline October 6-24Timeline Sinai War
1973 War Israeli-Syrian Front
Camp David Accords September 1978
October 6, 1981 Sadat Assassination
First Intifada 1987
Oslo AccordsOslo Accords, 1993
The Palestinian Authority
Since 1993 Fatah vs. Hamas Second Intifada, September 2000 Israeli Settlements January 2006: Hamas wins Palestinian elections July-August 2006: Israel vs. Hezbollah June 2007: Hamas seizes Gaza Strip Dec2008/Jan 2009 Gaza War: –Israel vs. Hamas