Social Response to Education › Statistic < 2% of all students received a high school diploma in 1870 › WHY? Most children had to work to support the family In most farming communities, children only went to school from November-April because of harvest
Social Response to Education By 1910, 72% of American children went to school › WHY? 31 states had laws which required students between the ages of 8-14 to attend school The 3 R’s were taught to students › Writing › Reading › Arithmetic-ciphering Able to do the very basic computations Usually taught under the threat of corporal punishment
Social Response to Education McGuffey Readers › Books which contained excerpts from great literary works such as Shakespeare Literacy-The ability to read and write in English Assimilation- Americanization-force feeding immigrants the ways of America in both culture, cooking and values
Philanthropists › Wealthy Americans often gave money or founded colleges to train young people the skills needed to succeed in the new industrial revolution. Public Libraries › With the growth of education and philanthropy, the need for books and libraries became more important › Andrew Carnegie- gave over $40 million dollars for public library systems to be created
Diversity in higher education › Many all male colleges were feeling pressure to admit women, so the colleges started to create separate universities › Examples Harvard All male school, established Radcliffe College for women › Co-educational schools Oberlin, Knox, Antioch, Swarthmore and Bates colleges which were already admitting both men and women before the Civil War. Women still struggled for equality in scholarships and treatment in the university system.
Diversity in higher education › Booker T. Washington- › Taught students the skills and attitudes that he thought would help African Americans succeed in American society › Taught not about equality but focus on economic security by using vocational skills to be successful › By succeeding financially, African Americans would eventually gain acceptance by white society.
Diversity in higher education › W.E.B Du Bois Wanted African Americans to step up and lead their people in the quest for political, social and civil equality Wanted people to seek higher educational degrees rather than vocational skills to enable African- Americans to advance in American society.
Diversity › Groups that fought for equality of African Americans › The Niagara Movement Founded the W.E.B Du Bois, this group wanted for full civil liberties and to end racial discrimination › The NAACP The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
A new athletic complex is being proposed for Canby which is being paid for by raising taxes on the town. If you could vote would you support this tax increase or would you be opposed? Write your thoughts down in question 5 to defend the side that you are taking and present them in a logical argument to tell others.
“Take me out to the Ball game”Take me out to the Ball game › 7 th inning stretch › Was created in 1908 to capture the new American pastime of recreation and leisure › Harry Carrey (Chicago Cubs Play by play)
Vaudeville › Variety show to entertain › Example Example Minstrel Shows › White actors who perpetrated the racial stereotypes of African-Americans Nickelodeons › Movie theaters set up in converted stores or warehouses that charged a nickel for admission
George Eastman › Founder of Eastman Kodak › Created the handheld camera for the common family to take snapshots and family pictures Circus › Although still around, they are a shell of what they use to be › Advance men came early to promote the circus, and several days later the circus cars would pull up and the “Big top” was put up to showcase the talent
Amusement parks › New Technology allowed amusement parks to be set up and new attractions to be created › The trolley led to the development of rides such as the ferris wheel and the roller coaster. › Coney Island/ valley fair
New technology allowed mass production of printed news and it became a form of entertainment used for recreation Comics, Sports, Sunday editions made for more interesting reading Yellow Journalism- Sensational news coverage about murders, scandals, etc.
Joseph Pulitzer-owned the St. Louis Post- Dispatch and the New York World Purpose of his newspapers “Expose all fraud and sham, fight against all public evils and abuses.” William Randolph Hearst-owned the New York Journal, which published even more sensationalistic stories › Examples of Yellow Journalism today Examples
Mark Twain › The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn › “dime” Novels Inexpensive books for a wide variety of readers › Described people and places of particular regions of the United States in detail. › Provided information about distant places to people because of the lack of transportation and travel.
Political cartoons are meant to poke fun at serious issues of the time They have been around since before our country became our country Here are some examples, try to figure out what they are trying to say