Hosted by Miss Boscia
Choice1Choice 2Choice 3Choice
Row 1, Col 1 How many body parts does an insect have? 3
1,2 What are the names of an insects body parts? Head, Thorax, Abdomen.
1,3 Can you sing the Insect Songs? Head, thorax, abdomen (abdomen). Head, thorax, abdomen (ab-do-m-e-n). Compound eyes, antennae, six legs. Head, thorax, abdomen (ABDOMEN).
1,4 What is does the term for the area where an animal lives? A habitat.
2,1 What is the term for when an animal leaves its habitat to meet its basic needs? Migrate.
2,2 What does metamorphosis mean? Change
2,3 Does an insect have a skeleton? No. It has an exoskeleton.
2,4 What is the life cycle of a butterfly? Egg -> Caterpillar -> Chrysalis -> Butterfly.
3,1 Do all insects have wings? Some insects have wings.
3,2 What are some animals that migrate? Hummingbird Monarch Butterfly
3,3 Ask your classmates if you are correct.
3,4 What is the habitat of a fish? The ocean
4,1 Type the answer for 4,1 here. (Type the question for 4,1 here.)?
4,2 Type the answer for 4,2 here. (Type the question for 4,2 here.)?
4,3 Type the answer for 4,3 here. (Type the question for 4,3 here.)?
4,4 Type the answer for 4,4 here. (Type the question for 4,4 here.)?
5,1 Type the answer for 5,1 here. (Type the question for 5,1 here.)?
5,2 Type the answer for 5,2 here. (Type the question for 5,2 here.)?
5,3 Type the answer for 5,3 here. (Type the question for 5,3 here.)?
5,4 Type the answer for 5,4 here. (Type the question for 5,4 here.)?