Lisa Kim English 6F February 13, 2009
Can the teenagers of Israel and Palestine can recover from the violence they have faced all their lives? No, I think the teenagers of Israel and Palestine can’t recover from the violence they have faced all their lives. The war has been ongoing for a pretty long time, and right now, a terrorist group is the government of Palestine. It might be better for the Israeli teenagers because not many of them have been killed. Since the Palestine teenagers are forced to go out in the war to fight, they would be hurt in their minds more than the Israeli teenagers.
How did this all happen? Israel and Arabs’ conflict started happening when the UN gave part of the Palestine to the Jews in Next year, the war started with the establishment of Israel by the Arabs’ attack. That war went up to the 4 th Middle East war which ended at 1973 with the winner, called Israel. There were many peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine, the disbelief and conflicts of both countries didn’t drop. From then they are still fighting over the land of Jerusalem.
Who is ruling Palestine right now? Mahmoud Abbas is ruling Palestine right now. He has been the Ch airman of the Palestine Liberation Organisation since 11 Novemb er 2004 and became President of the Palestinian National Authori ty on 15 January 2005 on the Fatah ticket. Elected to serve until 9 January 2009, he unilaterally extended his term for another year. He wants to have peace with Israel. Hamas is a rival party of Abbas, also known as a radical terrorist group. Although both Israel and Palestine government don’t want wars anymore, Hamas is keep bombing Israel and ongoing with the war.
History of the Arab-Israel conflicts : the 1 st Middle East war Arab-Israel 1967: the 2 nd Middle East war(6 days) Arab-Israel 1970: the 3 rd Middle East war Arab-Israel 1973: the 4 th Middle East war Arab-Israel 1982: Israel-Lebanon war : Israel-Palestine war
History of the Arab-Israel conflicts : Israel-Lebanon war : the 2 nd Israel-Palestine war 2006: Israel-Pata-Hamas war 2007 May: Lebanon Conflict 2008 Dec.: Israel-Hamas war
viewpoints If you take a look at the viewpoint of David Horowitz, he blames Palestinians for current conflict. You can also find that some people blame the Israelis in Palestine’s viewpoint. If all the people just blame each other like this and try to tell people that they didn’t do any bad things, it wouldn’t let the Israel and Palestine stop the war and go into peace. To take a look at the viewpoints, go to this website: %253AFQE%253D%2528su%252CNone%252C22%2529israel%2Bpalestine%2Bpeac e%2524&contentSet=GSRC&sort=Relevance&tabID=T010&sgCurrentPosition=0&subjec tAction=DISPLAY_SUBJECTS&prodId=OVRC&searchId=R4¤tPosition=2&userGr oupName=krkis&resultListType=RESULT_LIST&sgHitCountType=None&qrySerId=Local e%28en%2C%2C%29%3AFQE%3D%28SU%2CNone%2C22%29israel+palestine+peace% 24&inPS=true&searchType=BasicSearchForm&displaySubject=&docId=EJ &do cType=GSRC
Habibi: How one person can make a change At the Bassam’s shop, a Jewish man though Liyana was Jewish and said “Why do you bother with this animal” which Liyana actually believes in because it’s a Islam god. Liyana made a new Jewish friend which is forbidden in the country, so they can’t be friends anymore. Kids with broad thoughts like Liyana might be the hope for the teenagers to recover, but she used to live in the USA and she’s used to those thoughts. There are not many people who move from the US to Israel, where the war is going on.
Conclusion They can’t make peace between each other because of the long history of conflicts between Israel and Palestine. They still have the disbelief on each other, and that leads them to the war and the suffer of the young kids and teenagers. Keeping this situation go on forever makes all of the people in the region hopeless. Therefore, Israel and Palestine should try to negotiate and respect each other’s value. Also, they should stop blaming on each other. It may be Palestine and Israel’s fault. It seems impossible for teenagers to recover from the violence, but if both countries try, it might happen one day in the future.
bibliography Louisville Peace Community. 12 Feb Feb "Mahmoud Abbas -." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 12 Feb Horowitz, David. "Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center Logout." GaleNet. 12 Feb Feb 12 Feb Feb The Washington Note. 12 Feb Feb