Diversity Suzie Meiman Jessica Fedorko Sam Ortner Kimmy Ross Laura Giarrusso
Stand Up Sit Down In this game you will be answering questions that best apply to you by standing up Be honest, this is just a chance for you to recognize similarities and differences between your peers
What is Diversity?
Diversity is… “Diversity is a commitment to recognizing and appreciating the variety of characteristics that make individuals unique in an atmosphere that promotes and celebrates individual and collective achievement.” The University of Tennessee Libraries Diversity Committee Spring 2001; Revised January 2003
What Makes a Diverse Population Age Sex Culture Sexual orientation Economic background Education Religious beliefs Race Gender identity Geographic orientation Disabilities Languages spoken Political Affiliation Physical appearance Ethnicity The University of Tennessee Libraries Diversity Committee Spring 2001; Revised January 2003
Guess Who??? See if you can recognize stereotypes in our culture and how universal each of them are
“Shrunken World” Imagine the world was only 100 people What would it be like? Yg Yg Created in 2010 "Diversity." Mentors. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Sept
College Statistics Every year more than half-a-million college students are targets of bias-driven slurs or physical assaults. Every day at least one hate crime occurs on a college campus. Every minute, a college student somewhere sees or hears racist, sexist, homophobic or otherwise biased words or images.
URI Statistics 44.9% Male 55.1% Female 62.1% In State 37.9% Out of State 45 Total Countries Represented Ethnicities 9 Colleges 6.1% Nursing, 5.8% Psychology, 5.4% Comm. 13% Greek Life
Diversity Week