Please pick up your students’ schedules from the front table They are in alpha order by student last name as follows: › A-F › G-L › M-O › P-S
All Info that is discussed during this presentation can be found online at In an effort to conserve paper, I have not made any flyers or copies for this evening Please leave QR codes and website address slips on the table for all classes
Help them with turning in work on time Encourage them to be specific in their writing assignments Help them with organization Encourage them to come to office hours if they are struggling Encourage them to make up missing work
is If I do check at home, I will respond the next day My tutoring day is Thursday 3-4:00 My classroom phone number is
Yes…Everything students do in class is fair game for a grade, but everything is not always graded. New TEAMS…I know as much about as you Grades: Labs40% Tests 30% Home/classwork 20% Mini Quizzes10%
Once per six weeks to replace one homework or quiz grade only The Environmental Science Institute Hot Science Cool Talks Or visit Contribute to the Wonder Wall