Aquatic animal emergency prepardness and response (EPDR) system in Macedonia FAO Technical Cooperation Programme TCP/RER/3402 Assistance to Western Balkan.


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Presentation transcript:

Aquatic animal emergency prepardness and response (EPDR) system in Macedonia FAO Technical Cooperation Programme TCP/RER/3402 Assistance to Western Balkan Countries for Improving Compliance to International Standards on Aquatic Animal Health

Do you have emergency system in place, what would be the procedures in case of disease outbreak? YES Notification, common procedures and measures according to national legislation LAW ON ANIMAL HEATH (OJ ) and measures according to Book of rules on measures for control and eradication of diseases in aquatic animals ( OJ ) transposed from Council Directive 2006/88

Specific recomendation in country/region related to emergency prepardness? Based on learnings and knowledge from previous days LACK OF CONTINGENSY PLAN AND OPEATIONAL MANUELS FOR CONTOL AND ERADICATION OF DISEASES IN AQUACULTURE ANIMALS – common approach of the west Balkan counties in creation of these documents

Evaluate workshop activities? Good, Provided new experience and knowledge on emergency preparedness and measures and activities needed in case of an outbreak of a disease in aquaculture animals