Fire statistics in Europe: A need for harmonisation Pascal Leprince Chair of the EФA Statistics Working Group EФA Roundtable, Paris 30 January 2008
This presentation Objective and Approach Analysis –Parameters used for comparison –Comparison of available definitions –Comparison of available data Conclusion and recommended next steps
Objective and Approach Objective: Meet the commitments of the EФA Roundtable Budapest: –How can EФA support generation of reliable data of fire incidents? –What would be the preferred model of collecting fire statistics? Input provided by Amsterdam, Budapest, Paris, London, Stockholm, Warsaw Approach: Comparison of –Data of 2005 /2006 –Parameters Applied
Total domestic fires Total of Injuries Total of death Comments Amsterdam± 550x2005: : : 0 death Budapest2005: : : : : : 9 Parisx Different stages injuries/different categories of dwelling London /06 means 1 April 2005 to 31 March 2006 Stockholmx2005: : : : 9 Different stages injuries (light/serious) /different categories of dwelling Warsaw2005: : : : : : 19 Data divided per type of building
Parameters Applied The fire report: is there a protocol for usage? Definition of “domestic fire” Specification of the cause of the fire Indication of cause of fire spreading Collection of data Definition “death” /”injured” Other comments
Fire report A’DAMDetailed fire report form available via Central Office for Statistics. No specific protocol BUDAPESTDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol PARISSeparate form for deathly casualties. No specific protocol LONDONDetailed fire report form available Central protocol from government, applicable to whole UK. STOCKHOLMDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol WARSAWDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol
FirereportDefinition domestic A’DAMDetailed fire report form available via Central Office for Statistics. No specific protocol Domestic: Object for residental purpose, no further specification BUDAPESTDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol Buildings are divided according to usage PARISSeparate form for deathly casualties. No specific protocol Four different categories of domestic LONDONDetailed fire report form available Central protocol from government, applicable to whole UK. Difference between dwelling and other building STOCKHOLMDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol Domestic divided in many categories, detached house, holidayhouse etc. WARSAWDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol Domestic is divided in many categories, e.g. hotels, holidayhouses, one or multi family homes
FirereportDefinition domestic Cause of fire A’DAMDetailed fire report form available via Central Office for Statistics. No specific protocol Domestic: Object for residental purpose, no further specification Location in house should be specified, Cause of fire: appliances etc BUDAPESTDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol Buildings are divided according to usage Eight different categories to distinguish cause of fire in protocol PARISSeparate form for deathly casualties. No specific protocol Four different categories of domestic To be indicated but no options given LONDONDetailed fire report form available Central protocol from government, applicable to whole UK. Difference between dwelling and other building Details requested on source of ignition /First item ignited. Details requested on description and composition material. STOCKHOLMDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol Domestic divided in many categories, detached house, holidayhouse etc. Specification requested on direct reason for fire candle, cigarette etc. and room where it took place WARSAWDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol Domestic is divided in many categories, e.g. hotels, holidayhouses, one or multi family homes
FirereportDefinition domestic Cause of fire Spreading of fire A’DAMDetailed fire report form available via Central Office for Statistics. No specific protocol Domestic: Object for residental purpose, no further specification Location in house should be specified, Cause of fire: appliances etc Not requested BUDAPESTDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol Buildings are divided according to usage Eight different categories to distinguish cause of fire in protocol Indicated per m2 PARISSeparate form for deathly casualties. No specific protocol Four different categories of domestic To be indicated but no options given To be indicated, but no options given LONDONDetailed fire report form available Central protocol from government, applicable to whole UK. Difference between dwelling and other building Details requested on source of ignition /First item ignited. Details requested on description and composition material. Details requested on description, composition of item, material mainly responsible for fire STOCKHOLMDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol Domestic divided in many categories, detached house, holidayhouse etc. Specification requested on direct reason for fire candle, cigarette etc. and room where it took place Object taking fire first should be specified eg, sofa, bed, TV, computer WARSAWDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol Domestic is divided in many categories, e.g. hotels, holidayhouses, one or multi family homes
FirereportDefinition domestic Cause of fire Spreading of fire Collection statistics A’DAMDetailed fire report form available via Central Office for Statistics. No specific protocol Domestic: Object for residental purpose, no further specification Location in house should be specified, Cause of fire: appliances etc Not requestedVia media, no real reliable system available BUDAPESTDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol Buildings are divided according to usage Eight different categories to distinguish cause of fire in protocol Indicated per m2 According to national economic branches PARISSeparate form for deathly casualties. No specific protocol Four different categories of domestic To be indicated but no options given To be indicated, but no options given LONDONDetailed fire report form available Central protocol from government, applicable to whole UK. Difference between dwelling and other building Details requested on source of ignition /First item ignited. Details requested on description and composition material. Details requested on description, composition of item, material mainly responsible for fire Central manual and protocol from government STOCKHOLMDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol Domestic divided in many categories, detached house, holidayhouse etc. Specification requested on direct reason for fire candle, cigarette etc. and room where it took place Object taking fire first should be specified eg, sofa, bed, TV, computer WARSAWDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol Domestic is divided in many categories, e.g. hotels, holidayhouses, one or multi family homes
FirereportDefinition domestic Cause of fire Spreading of fire Collection statistics Definition death/injuries A’DAMDetailed fire report form available via Central Office for Statistics. No specific protocol Domestic: Object for residental purpose, no further specification Location in house should be specified, Cause of fire: appliances etc Not requestedVia media, no real reliable system available Injuries= when transported to hospital BUDAPESTDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol Buildings are divided according to usage Eight different categories to distinguish cause of fire in protocol Indicated per m2 According to national economic branches Difference between fatal and non/fatal casualties and rescued persons PARISSeparate form for deathly casualties. No specific protocol Four different categories of domestic To be indicated but no options given To be indicated, but no options given Very specific on cause of death LONDONDetailed fire report form available Central protocol from government, applicable to whole UK. Difference between dwelling and other building Details requested on source of ignition /First item ignited. Details requested on description and composition material. Details requested on description, composition of item, material mainly responsible for fire Central manual and protocol from government Difference between fatal and non/fatal casualties and rescued persons STOCKHOLMDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol Domestic divided in many categories, detached house, holidayhouse etc. Specification requested on direct reason for fire candle, cigarette etc. and room where it took place Object taking fire first should be specified eg, sofa, bed, TV, computer Difference in lightly injured and seriously injured. The injuries have to be specified in the report WARSAWDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol Domestic is divided in many categories, e.g. hotels, holidayhouses, one or multi family homes
FirereportDefinition domestic Cause of fire Spreading of fire Collection casualties Definition death/injuries Other A’DAMDetailed fire report form available via Central Office for Statistics. No specific protocol Domestic: Object for residental purpose, no further specification Location in house should be specified, Cause of fire: appliances etc Not requestedVia media, no real reliable system available Injuries= when transported to hospital Aim to produce better statistics as of One form for the whole country BUDAPESTDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol Buildings are divided according to usage Eight different categories to distinguish cause of fire in protocol Indicated per m2 According to national economic branches Difference between fatal and non/fatal casualties and rescued persons Acknowledge the need for a computerised system. Data collection has become less detailed last years PARISSeparate form for deathly casualties. No specific protocol Four different categories of domestic To be indicated but no options given To be indicated, but no options given Very specific on cause of death LONDONDetailed fire report form available Central firereport from government, applicable to whole UK. Difference between dwelling and other building Details requested on source of ignition /First item ignited. Details requested on description and composition material. Details requested on description, composition of item, material mainly responsible for fire Central manual and protocol from government Difference between fatal and non/fatal casualties and rescued persons The process will change in April 2009 to apply to all emergency incidents attended by UK firebrigades STOCKHOLMDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol Domestic divided in many categories, detached house, holidayhouse etc. Specification requested on direct reason for fire candle, cigarette etc. and room where it took place Object taking fire first should be specified eg, sofa, bed, TV, computer Difference in lightly injured and seriously injured. The injuries have to be specified in the report WARSAWDetailed fire report form available No specific protocol Domestic is divided in many categories, e.g. hotels, holidayhouses, one or multi family homes The form is only a preliminary determination of the cause of the fire an can lead to further investigation
Conclusion The definitions used in the fire report are not harmonised. For example, –Definition of “injured” differs widely (Stockholm/Paris) –Definition of “domestic fire ”varies and gives different data (Warsaw, Paris, Stockholm) –Different usage of time (UK ‘s reporting year:1 April 05 to 31 March 06) –No reliable data per city available (Amsterdam) –Data cover only injuries / casualties at moment of the incident. Casualties arising after but directly related to the fire are not covered Therefore the data is difficult to compare and analyse => We need a set of harmonised realistic variables and definitions, easy to use, comparable and accumable across Europe
For Discussion Given the discrepancies among available data and the scope that is to be covered, EФA will not be able to accomplish generation of harmonised EU data. But: We have direct access to data => Which contribution could EФA offer moving this issue forward: –Widen scope of this analysis? –Identify and assemble “best practice” for each parameter? –Offer to support Commission to harmonise data collection across Europe?