Changing Practices - Co-creating Solutions A Partnership Approach Terry Finnigan University of the Arts London
Creative practice Cultural change, like creativity itself, is a process not an event ( Robinson 2001)
The Concept of Co-Creation Joint creation of value by the company and the customer Joint problem definition and problem solving Continuous dialogue Prahalad C.K. & Ramaswamy, V.(2004) Journal of Interactive Marketing
Co-creation in HE How to release the creativity and energies of staff working in hierarchical and complex environments How to work collaboratively and creatively to bring about innovation (Winsor 2006) How to work more closely with students in order to develop solutions
Diverse Student Voices in Art & Design Tell Us About It BME Partnership Projects
Tell Us About It High achieving students Variety of diverse backgrounds Focus on overall learning experience
Effectively widening participation depends on explicitly addressing the experiences, practices and meanings of the students themselves. Burke (2002)
Student responses Artefacts Paintings Board games Sketchbooks Reflective writing Books DVDs
Dissemination activities Exhibitions Publications Staff and student workshops
Staff comments Inspiring, thought provoking..excellent to see, feel and touch what the students have produced.
Staff comments This took me on an emotional journey with my students, makes me rethink the way we assess and understand students
Reminded me of what I used to do before I was institutionalised. Thank you
Visual and Tactile Experience Triggers discussions around difference and identity Encourages staff to think how they may change their practices Produces dialogues around the mutability of meanings
Impact on the Institution Work in outreach projects Influencing the new developments in the delivery of the PGCert Informing induction activities Informing how to integrate identity and difference into the curriculum Working with Student Union to train their student reps
BME Partnership Projects Changing practices at course team level Working in partnership with students and alumni
BME Partnership Projects Linked to improving the attainment of students from BME backgrounds Involving students and alumni Linked to curriculum deliver/design/on course student support Sustainable
Informing the curriculum? Asking students views in focus groups /blogs/questionnaires/video diaries Co-constructing solutions with students and alumni BME box is a difficult construct Small but powerful interventions
We must shift the role of the critical intellectuals from being universalizing spokespersons to acting as cultural workers whose task it is to take away the barriers that prevent people thinking for themselves Apple in Bowl 2007
Co-creating solutions Edge learner forum BME futures Face Book site Skins writing team
Student voice projects are about challenging the academy to allow active participation from a wide range of communities and individuals who will help to redefine the parameters of higher education itself Stuart 2000