Welcome to HW220! Contemporary Diet and Nutrition Unit 1 Jennifer Koslo, PhD, RD, CSSD, CPT
WELCOME! Introductions…
Course Description Exploration of current dietary trends and examination of the role of geo-political and economic forces on our day-to-day food choices. Investigation of the impact of globalization of world food markets including: GMOs, FBI, and organics. Popular diets and their scientific validity will be discussed. Effects of diversity and ethnicities on food choices discussed.
Course Outcomes 1.Differentiate the USDA dietary guidelines from previous versions 2.Summarize the development & influence of farm & corporate food lobbies on gov’t nutritional recommendations 3.Compare selected diets currently being promoted 4.Analyze the impact of FBI, genetic engineering, and organic movement on global markets 5.Evaluate the heterogeneous nature of food preferences & prohibitions in multi-cultural & multi- ethic communities
Course Layout Review the lesson outcomes and overview Complete the readings from texts Complete the readings in the lesson activities Participate in discussions Participate in seminar Check out the web sites Complete the exercise, projects per specific units WOW!!!!!
Overview of Course: Topics 1.Dietary trends and nutrition 2.Food choices: Panorama and politics 3.Food choices: Economics 4.Food-borne illnesses and disease 5.Genetically engineered foods 6.The organic food movement 7.Global world food markets 8.Contemporary weight loss programs 9.Diversity of food choices 10.Applying contemporary diet and nutrition to one’s professional life
Materials Textbooks – how many do you have? Software – what do you need? Internet – is it reliable?
Course evaluations: 1000 points points45 total Discussions91090 Lesson 1 project exercises 115 Lesson 1 Activity110 Lesson 2, 4, 7, 8 activities Unit 3 projects Unit 5, 6, presentations ATP final project1200
Weekly Activities Discussions: Initial post of 150 words by Saturday midnight ET. Two responses of 75 words by Tuesday midnight. Use your spell check! Include a reference in your initial post. Flex seminars: You have a choice of which seminar time you would like to attend. If you cannot attend either session then complete option 2. You can always access the archives to listen to the record seminar. Download the Flex Seminar Guide in docsharing
APA, Projects & Plagiarism APA referencing Check out the writing center! Reference any info that does not come out of your own head Please use at least one outside reference in your discussion posting to extend the conversation Kaplan library is excellent resource Projects Submit in Microsoft Word Unit 5 & 6 projects are PowerPoint presentations – do you know how to create one? Plagiarism Kaplan – ZERO tolerance policy
New Late Policy No late assignments. Period. Must have a death in the family, hospitalization, evacuation, military assignment. Documentation is required
Project Exercises In lessons one and two you will record your food and beverages and physical activity Input the data for food and physical activity into MyPyramid Analyze and save and submit a screen shot of each SEE MY ADDITIONAL POSTED INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO DO A SCREEN SHOT
Save a Screen Shot of the Analysis
Unit 5 & 6 Presentations These are to be created using PowerPoint Unit 5 PPT must include speaker’s notes
Questions? Breathe! Take it one step at a time Start with the lesson outcomes Go through your readings Time management
Unit 1: Dietary Trends and Nutrition Seminar question #1: According to the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans, what foods should Americans eat for a healthy diet or proper nutrition? Updated every 5 years
What are the “Dietary Guidelines for Americans”? Current edition is 2010 just released Jan 2011 Based on science Why is it important to understand how the guidelines are created? Guidelines.htm Guidelines.htm Three key messages to consumers: Balance calories Foods to reduce Foods to increase
What is MyPyramid? A guide to improve the nutrition and well-being of Americans Emphasizes the individual approach to eating Promotes six key concepts Current tool created in 2005 Source: USDA
Six Key Concepts of MyPyramid Activity Moderation Personalization Proportionality Variety Gradual Improvement Source: USDA
Unit 1: Dietary Trends and Nutrition Seminar question #2: Discuss Nestle’s view of the USDA Guidelines related to what foods are needed for proper nutrition
What is a healthy diet? Enough calories to prevent deficiencies while not being excessive Macronutrients –Carbohydrates –Proteins –Fats Micronutrients –Vitamins –Minerals Water Photo © Photos.com
What types of foods? Plant foods Less fat Less salt Less sugar Watch portions
Word to live by “ Never eat more than you can lift” Miss Piggy
Unit 1: Dietary Trends and Nutrition Seminar question #3: Discuss how Nestle’s “Eat more to eat less” theory points out the conflict between the USDA’s promotion of diets to promote health and the interests of the food industry to promote their own products
What are the nutrient guidelines? Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) –Developed in 1941 –U.S. National Academy of Sciences
Changing Goals “ Eat more”: 1890s to 1960s Preventing deficiencies Infectious diseases “ Eat less”: Over-nutrition Preventing chronic disease
Where do we go from here? Current trends Influencing factors Government Industry Personal goals Thoughts and reflections?
Learning Activities Reading: In this unit you will read Chapter 1 of Williams’ Essentials of Nutrition & Diet Therapy, 9th Edition; Introduction, Part I and Chapter 1 of Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health by Marion Nestle and; the Online Communications Guidelines and Kaplan Library Presentation under Course Home Key Concepts: You will review the key concepts for Dietary Trends and Nutrition. Further Notes: You will review the course material notes broken up by lessons under Unit 1. Lesson 1 Activity: You will complete an activity to reinforce concepts introduced in Lesson 1: You Are What You Eat. Discussion: This week our discussion will focus on dietary needs, trends and nutritional health. Seminar: You will attend a seminar that provides an overview of the course and begins to explore the current dietary trends and nutrition. Web Resources: You will review the links in this unit to learn more about dietary trends and nutrition. Unit 1 Project: You will complete and submit the Unit 1 Project.