Student – Rules and Etiquette
Communication |ˈēmāl| Noun or Verb messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network the act of distributing a message
Responsibility Cannot outside of Cannot receive s from anyone other than Do not open s from people you do not know ALL s are archived and fall under the same use policies as other district-owned technology
Writing the Subject Line Write something in the subject line that relates to the Include your name Ex. – Mrs. Kirk Fractions Double Check Spelling Grammar Capitalization Punctuation Complete Sentences
Writing for Educational Purposes Formal Writing Use formal speech No text talk Address the recipient properly: Dear Mrs. Kirk, Letter format Remember your manners: Please and thank you Sign your Be concise – to the point Reread before you send
Feelings Do not write all in CAPITALS or Bold. These can be read as conveying anger or shouting. Be careful of what you say. You don’t want to hurt someone else’s feelings. If you are providing a critique, do it in a positive way. Be encouraging, supportive, and polite. DO NOT be mean or insensitive Appropriate and for educational purposes
Who can you ? Answer: Your Teachers If in time and with proven ability and behavior and for specific educational purposes, you may be given the ability to fellow students.
To Sign In: 1.Open Firefox 2.TISFLASHTECH – look for the letter image 3. Username and Password Your password – word and 2 numbers
Compose 1.To 2.Subject 3.Salutation 4.Body of 5.Closing 6.Signature Check Spelling and Proofread John Smith Welcome Dear Mrs. Kirk, My favorite candy is Skittles. From, John Smith
To Sign Out: Upper right hand corner Drop down – sign out