Farming Techniques
Agriculture Agriculture includes both subsistence agriculture, which is producing enough food to meet the needs of the farmer and family, but no more) and also (almost universally in the "developed" nations and increasingly so in other areas) the production of financial income from cultivation of the land or commercial raising of animals (animal husbandry) In the Western world, use of improved genetics, better management of soil nutrients, and improved weed control have greatly increased yields per acre. At the same time, use of mechanization has decreased labor requirements, releasing most of the populace from intense agricultural labor.
Crop Rotation Some of the general purposes of rotations are to improve or maintain soil fertility, reduce erosion, reduce the build-up of pests, spread the workload, reduce risk of weather damage, reduce reliance on agricultural chemicals, and increase net profits.
Terrace Farming Terrace farming consists of building a series of step like benches. These benches are supported by either sod or stone walls. Each level slows the flow of water runoff, slowing the erosion process. They also bring into tillage areas that formerly could not be farmed. Much of the rice that comes from Vietnam, Thailand, and other Southeast Asian countries is grown on terraces.
Slash and Burn Agriculture Conversion of forests for agricultural lands is the most important cause of deforestation in the tropics.
Paddy Farming Is conducted mostly by East Asian countries.