Understanding the Physics of the Bulge/Black-Hole Connection with GSMT Stephen Eikenberry University of Florida 3 November 2007
Black Holes – Why Care? Black holes are fundamental influences on many astrophysical phenomena Super-massive BH’s now known to be intrinsically linked to galaxy evolution But how/why?? What is the physics of the Bulge/Black-Hole (BBH) connection? Probably related to nuclear gas flow … Ferrarese et al., 2001
The Galactic Center The Galactic Center is a wonderful & mysterious place: >4.5x10 6 M 0 black hole in Sgr A* Closest galaxy on BBH correlation curve (Also >2000 Chandra X-ray sources -- the “Elephant’s Graveyard” for (stellar mass) black hole hunters!!)
GC Surveys: The Problem ~100% of all Chandra X-ray sources have IR counterpart candidates within 1-arcsec But, stats indicate that ~85% are SPURIOUS Need to sort the wheat from the chaff! IR spectra do it (but need N=2000, and most are “throw-aways”! TAC issue!!)
FLAMINGOS-2 GC Survey F2GCS Team: S. Eikenberry, R. Bandyopadhyay, C. DeWitt, N. Raines (Florida); R. Blum & K. Olsen (NOAO); K. Sellgren (OSU); M. Muno (Caltech); etc. FLAMINGOS-2 Summary: Gemini 8-m NIR imager/MOS micron, HAWAII arcmin-diam. imaging FOV 6x2-arcmin MOS FOV; N>60 targets R~1300 JH, HK; R~3300 J,H,K MCAO-compatible
FLAMINGOS-2 GC Survey F2GCS will obtain HK spectra of ~5000 stars in GC region (w/ISPI pre-imaging for target selection) Will target ~2000 X-ray sources to identify ~300 new X-ray binary IR counterparts (doubling the number currently known in the Galaxy; >x100 sample in the GC region) Should resolve the mystery of this new source population What about the other stars? (5000 – 300 = 4700 “throw-aways”)
FLAMINGOS-2 GC Survey:RGB Heaven One person’s “chaff” is another person’s “wheat”! Produces a catalog of ~4000- ish RGB spectra hurray! (?) Use H&K steam bands and CO indices M bol & T eff Now we can place 4000 RGB stars on an H-R diagram hurray! (?) Blum et al., 2003
F2GCS: Star Formation History Combine with model star formation histories we can constrain the SFH of the GC SFH traces nuclear gas flow versus time (hurray!) Can link this to the mass evolution history of the SMBH!! Blum, Ramirez, Sellgren, Olsen 2003 F2GCS increases sample x60 ! F2GCS reaches much fainter too
The Bulge/Black-Hole Connection Follow-up on F2GCS (Gen 1 & 2) + other inner surveys with: –FRIDA on GTC –Keck NGAO & IR d- IFU (?) HK + R=20,000 will provide abundances ( , Fe) & kinematics Then know history of nuclear gas flow (mass, kinematics, & composition versus time) ! physics of the Bulge/Black-Hole connection (!) Smith et al., 2002
Black Hole Origins: Beyond the Milky Way F2GCS will probe the origins of Sgr A* by studying the properties/history of the stellar population around it Future programs will study the origins of black holes in external galaxies with same resolved approach GSMT can resolve individual RSG stars in Virgo Cluster galaxies!
Virgo Cluster Black Holes & Bulges GSMT + AO + IR integral field unit gives M BH (CaII triplet) Offset IFU (multi-pointings or multi-dIFU) gives bulge With GSMT spatial res, get individual red supergiant stars H ~20-23 mag K ~19-22 mag GSMT S/N OK! Note: GSMT with IRIS/IRMOS-like instruments can achieve much greater bandpass than this!
Virgo: What About Crowding? Un/partly-resolved stellar background important IFU analysis approaches: spectra of many spatial points photometry w/many spectral channels Adopt Olsen et al. approach to ELT crowding Conclusion crowding is non-trivial, but also non- crippling for this science
Virgo Cluster Survey Use AO-fed IR IFU with multiple pointings (or AO-fed multi-dIFU with single pointing) on an individual Virgo cluster galaxy Results: M BH ; bulge Nuclear gas flow history (incl. abundance + kinematics!) from stars/SFH Physics of BBH Connection (like Sgr A*) Repeat for many Virgo galaxies probe how the physics of BBH changes with galaxy properties/environment The Virgo Cluster becomes a natural test laboratory for the Bulge/Black-Hole Connection !!
GSMT Instrument Requirements Near-Diffraction-limited AO in H/K bands IR IFU with R~5K-7K and R~20K: Need high-res grating, but still 1 st order and “normal” grating constant (i.e. FRIDA) Need multiple pointings Or IR multi-dIFU with R~5K- 7K and R~20K: i.e. UF IRMOS concept High-res grating incl. in baseline design Multi d-IFUs can get entire galaxy in one go!
Conclusions BBH investigations using resolved stellar studies can tie Black Hole evolution to feeder gas via Star Formation History (incl. abundance, kinematics) 8-m-class telescopes will do this for the Milky Way + M33 (i.e. Gemini/FLAMINGOS-2 Galactic Center Survey) GSMT (ELTs) + right instruments can do this same work out to the Virgo Cluster supermassive black hole astrophysics test laboratory Cost: Need AO-fed IR IFU (or multi-dIFU) grating/filter slots to include 2 “high-res” 1 st -order gratings (in other words, CHEAP incremental cost compared to existing instrument plans for many/most ELTs!)