W HAT ’ S G OING ON IN THE W ORLD : S OCIALLY Lauren Brooks, Jackie Callaghan, and Marissa Garbiel
F ASHION Influenced by Hollywood Made of cheaper materials Tailored Clothes – Men Victorian Romantic Fashion - Women _d83I/UEDJ2A5e28I/AAAAAAAAAAo/Sw0pFiACK_w/s1600/ jpg Men and women’s fashion.
M USIC Radio Swing, Blues, and Gospel Louis Armstrong Upbeat Rhythms *foSolCwR7n8q4U5W89jPv6XK3Vx8liirL0l2/dancing2.jpg A couple dancing.
M OVIES Snow White Dracula Famous actors/actresses: Bing Crosby, Shirley Temple, Bette Davis disney.wikia.comwww.last.fm
B OOKS Focused on social, economic, and political issues Popular books: For Whom the Bell Tolls, Gone with the Wind William Faulkner won the Nobel Prize in literature in 1950 en.wikipedia.org
S PORTS Baseball Horse Riding Football Boxing Basketball Olympic Games A game of football.
F REE T IME Church Card Games Baseball Dancing 653_468x348.jpg Little kids playing soccer.
P OPULAR A FRICAN A MERICANS Duke Ellington Musician Gave African Americans hope Ella Fitzgerald “The First Lady of Swing” Singer 4f8bc4ca-620x348.jpg Duke Ellington and Ella Fitzgerald.