Customized cloud platform for computing on your terms ! Nirav Merchant
What is cloud computing ?
Atmosphere: motivation Standalone GUI-based applications are frequently required for analysis GUI apps not easily to transform into web apps Need to handle complex software dependencies (e.g specific bioperl version and R modules) Users needing full control of their software stack (occasional sudo access) Need to share desktop/applications for collaborative analysis (remote collaborators) Availability of Next Gen map-reduce based algorithms (currently we have limited support)
Challenges of existing platforms Amazon Web Services (AWS) Flexible and scalable High level of expertise required for configurations Fairly challenging for biologists to master all steps Limited lifecycle management (cost, time)
Steps to get started !
What is Atmosphere ? Self-service cloud infrastructure Designed to make underlying cloud infrastructure easy to use by novice user Built on open source Eucalyptus Fully integrated into iPlant authentication and storage and HPC capabilities Enables users to build custom images/appliances and share with community Cross-platform desktop access to GUI applications in the cloud (using VNC) Provide easy web based access to resources
Who is this tutorial designed for ? Users wanting to launch configured images in atmosphere (like app store™) Developers for application distribution Prototyping/Testing new software/modules Tailored software training setups (custom workshops/laboratory courses etc) Extend compute capabilities of existing applications i.e. utilize iPlant API
API-compatible implementation of Amazon EC2/S3 interfaces Virtualize the execution environment for applications and services Up to 12 core / 48 GB instances Access to Cloud Storage + EBS Run servers, CloudBurst desktop use cases. Big data and the desktop are co- local again! >60 hosted applications in Atmosphere today, including users from USDA, Forest Service, database providers, etc. (30 more for postdocs and grad students for training classes) The iPlant Collaborative Project Atmosphere™: Custom Cloud Computing
Atmosphere: Collaboration iPlant Data Store
How to Connect
Different Ways to Log in to VMs
Hands on exercise Launching a instance (one per team) Connecting to it (vnc and ssh) using the web browser and vnc client software Bringing data from iDS to Atmosphere (use idrop or icommands) Launching a application Installing a new application (optional) Saving data back to iDS Collaborating with other users (sharing your session) Terminating the instance when you are done
Exercise (cont.) Atmosphere manual is at: To get started point your browser to Login with your iPlant credentials Please do not launch an instance until your instructor has directed you to do so. It is ideal if 4 or 5 users form a team and launch a single instance to limit the load on the system Once launched, check for availability of your instance (usually 10 to 15 min) or you can check the web interface Once you instance is ready you use the IP address and connect to it, and invite others to connect to it and collaborate with them with a shared screen For todays session we will use the “NGS Viewers” application
Uses of Atmosphere Workshops: – Frontiers and Techniques in Plant Sciences CSHL 2011 – Genotyping by Sequencing Cornell Computational Biology Graduate course work: – BCB 660 Prof. Volker Brendel and Amy Toth Fall 2011, Iowa State University Popular community contributed images: – PhytoMorph (Nate Miller, U. Wisconsin) – Twig2Genome (Haibao Tang, JCVI) – Julin Maloof, UC Davis*