Gabe Hughes CIS 597 – Spring 13
Languages All WoW add-ons are written in.lua, a scripting language useful in games, with extensive API support WoWAce is an extensive set of libraries that can enhance an Add-on (all documentation found at Knowledge of the World of Warcraft API, database of all commands at
Development Environment All coding will be done using Notepad++ Testing will be done in World of Warcraft Live Servers
Pets are found in the wild, Pet Trainers, or other Players Setup in a Pokemon fashion Turn Based Broken into types (e.g. Critter, Elemental) Combat goes until one pet is dead or captured (wild only). Once a pet is captured, it is added to the list of Battle Pets. Each type has other types as strengths and weaknesses
First step will be to form the framework of the Add-on and include basic functionality to automatically swap to a different pet based on mouseover or selecting a pet in the wild. Second step will be to setup a basic GUI tacked on to the Current Battle Pet Tab that will allow players to select a pet to be used in a fight vs. targeted pet type. Then setup the swap from step 1 to use the pets set up in the list in set 2 If time allows, set up functionality for team swapping, since later battles are team based. (PetBattleTeams Add-on) Clean up the GUI.