A collaborative school magazine ‘MY VOICE’
GENERAL DIRECTIONS Decide on the sections Form groups Undertake roles Decide on the topics Find/create and organise material and photos decide on the layout/page design Team’s final view-comments Comments on other teams’ outcome Decide on the page design (all groups’ designers)
USEFUL TIPS FOR ALL Keep in mind: it's About People Have an Angle Keep it Objective - be impartial Quote People Pay Creative Common attribution Keep sentences and paragraphs short but accurate
Potential Sections 1. Environmental issues : Articles about e.g. Green schools, Recycling at schools or in your area, Pollution sources in your area, Endangered species in your country/ies, Habitats, Biodiversity, Global issues 2. Education : Final exams-stress, educational system-changes, the ideal Teacher/school 3. Youth worries : (things that matter): generation gap, dreams, the ideal World, freedom, job, bullying 4. Technology: Predictions for the future, dark paths of the internet, computers substitute teachers? 5. Art-Entertainment : Graffiti, music, theatre, cinema, games, free time 6. Social matters : racism, unemployment, criminality, insecurity, addictions, poverty 7. Others : Sports-keeping fit-nutrition, fashion, comics
COPY EDITOR Final outlook/proofs REPORTERS Gather and write material GRAPHICS/PHOTO EDITORS Images to support the articles WEBMASTERS Handle ICT tools Upload to the website EDITOR (assistant/executive) Selects the content/editorials Suggested ROLES
SECTIONSSCHOOL 1SCHOOL 2SCHOOL 3SCHOOL 4ROLES ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES reporter photographer Webmaster editor copy editor EDUCATION Reporter photographer Webmaster editor copy editor YOUTH WORRIES reporter photographer Webmaster editor copy editor TECHNOLOGY reporter photographer Webmaster editor copy editor ART- ENTERTAINMENT reporter photographer Webmaster editor copy editor SOCIAL MATTERS reporter photographer Webmaster editor copy editor
IN-GROUP DIRECTIONS Choose the journalistic approach and style according to the topic and your capacities. (interview, news, reportage, photo reportage, advertisement, survey, essay, announcement, review, etc.)
How to write an article Choose the topic Think about: target group and purpose (state facts, share your view, draw interest, cause laughter/sorrow…) Do some research (to assure your thoughts) Make a draft (structuring your thoughts) Write (use the proper style, give the proper format ex paragraphs) Correct it USEFUL TIPS FOR REPORTERS
USEFUL TIPS FOR GRAPHICS/PHOTO EDITORS using web search ready material: Search for C.C Pixabay, Photo Pin, flickrCC Attribute (properly cited) using web search ready material: Search for C.C Pixabay, Photo Pin, flickrCC Attribute (properly cited) using your camera: Take lots of photographs and devote your thinking to the image When shooting a person (in/out of school) ask for permission to publish the material You may use cellphone for communicating with editors, when working outdoors using your camera: Take lots of photographs and devote your thinking to the image When shooting a person (in/out of school) ask for permission to publish the material You may use cellphone for communicating with editors, when working outdoors In your group decide on the topic and the content Think about the best way to illustrate the written product The pictures serve as a means to enhance and support the content
USEFUL TIPS FOR WEBMASTERS In your section-group decide on the topic and the content In your role-group think about the best way to present the written and image product and decide on the page designing and publishing tools you will use You may also try: Microsoft Publisher Your cover Calameo ISUU
USEFUL TIPS FOR EDITORS (assistant/executive) responsible for each section of the paper/proofreading meet with your group to develop content ideas decide which ideas should be pursued suggest stories and headlines have the final say for your section (which stories get included/ dropped) check the stories for accuracy Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation errors suggest ways for each piece to be improved Meet with the Copy Editor to take the final decisions
USEFUL TIPS FOR COPY EDITORS responsible for an entire publication Fully collaborate with the assistant editors Have the final overlook on the outcome material Make the final check on the style (the publication's guidelines for consistency) Have the final decision on the layout (which stories, photos and graphics will run/will be featured most prominently)
Erasmus “Media in Education: From passive consumers to active creators” Glykeria Gkouvatsou 01/03/2015