ASPERA Status Astronet GB 20 September 2006 S.Katsanevas CNRS/IN2P3
What is the AstroParticle ERA net (ASPERA)? An EU ERANET program with –17 partners from 12 countries and CERN, CNRS coordinator, ambition to cover all countries with astroparticle activities in Europe – EU budget 2.5 M€ for 3 years (1 July 2006 to 1 July 2009) used for 33 meetings, 10 new liaison officers, 26 deliverables, 5 milestones. Goals (increasing level of ambition) 1.Evaluate the current status of Astroparticle Physics funding in Europe 2.Provide the community with a common electronic infrastructure and outreach policy 3.Increase the partnership to all European countries with activities in Astroparticle, coordinate with other regions 4.Prepare a detailed roadmap and strategic plan of the facilities 5.Propose common evaluation procedures, management, benchmarks 6.Achieve integration/coordination/linking of facilities (Ulabs, CT, GWA) 7.Achieve common funding calls (e.g for R&D) 8.Achieve partial alignment of funds in Europe for Astroparticle
ASPERA 17 agencies 12 countries + CERN: 1.Belgium FNRS/FWO 2.Czech Rep. MEYS 3.France CEA/CNRS 4.Germany BMBF/PTDESY 5.Greece DEMOKRITOS 6.Italy INFN 7.Netherlands FOM 8.Portugal FCT 9.Spain MEC/FECYT 10.Sweden VR 11.Switzerland SNF 12.UK PPARC 13.CERN
5 workpackages WP4 Web/Database/Outreach Network Extension BMBF/MEC WP2 Roadmap PPARC WP1 Status in research funding NIKHEF WP3 European wide procedures INFN WP5 Management CNRS
Management structure
ASPERA WP1 Status APP funding in Europe –Inventory of systems & rules –Identify barriers for collaboration (legal, financial)
Collect status information Collect status information How do other agencies operate –Funding philosophy –Which programs? –Who can be funded? –Which disciplines? –Conditions? –Other organisations? WP 1
Instruments Program manager meetings: 1.Define criteria (early 2007) 1st workshop 15 January 2007 Paris Working stays abroad: Administrative open days a. 1 st meeting in Paris on the 16/17 of January 2007 in Paris b.2 nd meeting April in Amsterdam c.3 rd meeting June in Hambourg d.4 th meeting July London e.5 th meeting October Rome f.6 th meeting November Madrid g.7 th meeting January 2008 Geneva/Bern h.8 th meeting March Brussels i.9 th meeting May Lisbon j.10 th meeting June Stockholm k.11 th meeting September Athens l.12 th meeting November Prague A draft document ready a few major agencies serve as “ cobays ” for its pertinence before large diffusion (PPARC,INFN,CNRS,INFN, FOM)
ASPERA WP2 A Roadmap for APP in Europe –Roadmap and areas of common R&D –Formulation of a common evaluation policy –A posteriori linking of existing infrastructures
Astroparticle Physics, a definition through 6 questions* 1.What is the Universe made of ? 2.Do protons have a finite life time ? 3.What are the properties of neutrinos ? What is their role in cosmic evolution ? 4.What do neutrinos tell us about the interior of Sun and Earth, and about Supernova explosions ? 5.What is the origin of cosmic rays ? What is the view of the sky at extreme energies ? 6.What is the nature of gravity ? Can we detect gravitational waves ? What will they tell us about violent cosmic processes ? Courtesy ApPEC PRC *”Science is the art of replacing unimportant questions that can be answered by important ones which cannot” Edward B. Ferguson Jr
A definition through instruments 1.High Energy neutrinos 2.High energy gamma rays 3.Gravitational antennas 4.High energy cosmic rays 5.Dark matter 6.Large Underground Detectors 7.Neutrinos mass (endpoint, doublebeta) and reactor neutrinos
Spiering, ApPEC. Charged Cosmic Rays GeV-TeV gamma (incl. DM indirect) HE neutrinos atm. neutrinos (incl. DM indirect) Solar axions underwater underice i.e. Hess, Auger CAST UG lab DM direct UG lab Solar Supernova WIMP satellite MeV/GeV (Agile, Glast) MeV/GeV CR (Pamela, AMS) extreme energies
Spiering, ApPEC. No particles from heaven but: - same infrastructure ( ) - closely related question (tritium decay) UG lab Oscillations (accelerators) NO proton decay Accelerator Laser axions m Reactor
Spiering, ApPEC. Resonance Antennas Interferometers (Geo-600, VIRGO) Interferometer low frequency (LISA)