Introduction Review with all crew members proper shut down procedures for Natural Gas and Electrical in emergency situations. Identify components that make up meters and panel boxes. Don’t take this for granted as a simple procedure. Encourage crews “to ask for help”, when unsure of procedures or components
Natural Gas Meters Natural Gas travels from a distribution main (not exceeding 60 psi) to a customer by way of a service line, riser, meter, pressure reducer (reduction to approx. 1/3 of a pound psi) & related equipment. Shut-off valve (stopcock or service cock) is located before the pressure reducer on the gas inlet piping. Usually a ¼ turn of the valve will stop the flow of gas. Remember gas meters are not aesthetically pleasing to building owners, so location can be difficult. A ladder can be a necessity or hedge trimmers!!!
Location! Location! Location???
Multiple Meters Multiple meters can be shut down all at once at the gas inlet. Multiple meters can be isolated and shut off individually. When in doubt call IC and shut them all off.
Identify the pressure reducer on this slide. Locate the shut-off
Trash and Storage Know what meters you’re shutting off. There are two identical meters behind all the junk in this picture. Don’t take this responsibility lightly. When in-doubt ASK someone!!!!
Electrical Utilities
Eliminating Electrical Service 1 st option: Depend on the local utility company. However due to ETA’s and the specific emergency, waiting may not be a viable option. 2nd option: Shut off the service. If the electrical panel is on the exterior of the building service can be shut down by moving the circuit breakers to the OFF position. ***Meters should NOT be removed to eliminate electrical service to a building!!!!! Removing may result in a meter flashing or an explosion due to the sudden heavy draw of current as the meter clips are pulled out.
Interior Panels and Service Some panels are located on the interior, in which case the fire may rule out using the panel to eliminate electrical service.
Pad Mounted Transformer If there is a pad mounted transformer outside the building, it is NOT advised to open the cabinet doors and shut off the service. When a pad mounted transformer is involved with fire, cordon off the area and wait for the power company. DO NOT attempt to extinguish the fire!!!!
Commercial Service Shut Down To prevent arcing in the panel, shut off the branch circuits before the main circuit breaker. Shut off breakers from the smallest load to the largest load reducing to the total load on the system prior to shutting down the main switch.
Know What Your Shutting Down Coordinate with IC to ensure shut down is completed where it is needed. Many times power can be isolated to a specific unit or area. Wear proper PPE when shutting breakers off. (Full bunkers, eye protection, and gloves)
Residential Service The component on the right is the electrical panel box (circuit breaker panel). The component on the left is the electric meter (Do Not Attempt to Remove)
The faceplate has been removed from the electric meter in this picture. As a result the circuits are exposed, which are a hazard to anyone operating in the area.
This is the ONLY person who should touch or remove an electrical meter!!!!!!!
References Truck Company Operations by John Mittendorf Truck Company Fire Ground Operations by Harold Richman IFSTA Essentials of Firefighting 4 th edition