1 Panel Discussion Panel Participant: Chris Martin Department Chairperson for Technology Studies, Mission College and Cliff Monroe Division and Department Chairperson Technology Emeritus, Mission College Silicon Valley Engineering Council President Emeritus Silicon Valley Engineering & Technology Alliance Co-Director since 1996 California Engineering & Technology Alliance Co-Director Speaking on: “Partnering for success” Mission College and San Jose State University New offering - Spring Industrial Technology Program Emphasis on environment. Integration of environmental concepts How can educators K-16 integrate this awareness into their courses/programs?
2 INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Manufacturing Systems or Electronics & Computer Tech BS Degree 45/46 units TECHNOLOGY STUDIES Technical Certificates Associate Degree BS Degree Transfer 65 units Mission College – SJSU Industrial Technology Program Industrial Technology Program Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Technology High School Tech Courses Drafting, Wood, Electronics Wood, Metal, Auto, StRUT, Engineering $9, years Tuition and books $2, years $20 unit $700 books (approx) Health, Parking Education costs
3 Mission College – SJSU Industrial Technology Program Industrial Technology Program High School Tech Courses Drafting, Electronics, CISCO, Woods, Metal, Robotics, Auto, StRUT, Engineering 1.Objectives: - Attract an interest to technology - Expand CTE opportunities - Improve linkages – a pipeline to the workforce 2. New Curricula to match the labor market needs - Growing technologies Networks, Sustainable Manufacturing, Green Product Design, … Bio, Nano, Enviro.,e-waste High School Technology Education
4 Mission College – SJSU Industrial Technology Program Industrial Technology Program BSIT Computer, Electronics and Network Tech Tech 115, Tech 160, Tech 162, Tech 163, Tech 166, Tech 167, Tech 168, Tech 169, Tech 190, Tech 198, Engr 100W Electives: ME 106, ISE 102Tech 115Tech 16Tech 162 Tech 163Tech 166Tech 167 Tech 168Tech 169,Tech 190 Tech 198,Engr 100WME 106ISE 102 UD units Transferable General Ed courses English 1A Math 71 Calculus for Business/Aviation or Math 30 Social Studies Physics 2A & 2B Chem 1A or Chem 30A/B Computer Engr 46 Econ 1B LD support incl some GE BSIT Manufacturing Systems Tech 46, Tech 115, Tech 140, Tech 141, Tech 145, Tech 147, Tech 149, Tech 190, Tech 198, Engr 100WTech 115Tech 14Tech 141Tech 145,Tech 147Tech 149, Tech 190Tech 198,Engr 100W Electives: ME 106, ISE 102ME 106ISE 102 UD units or Transferable Industrial Tech courses Tech 20 Design & Graphics Tech 25 Materials Tech. Tech 31 Quality Assurance & Control Tech 40 Product Design 1 Tech 45 Facilities Design and Development Tech 60 Basic Electronics Tech 62 Analog Circuits Tech 63 Digital Circuits Tech 65 Networking Theory & Application Tech 66 Networking Operating Systems & Admin Transparent Transfer! Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Technology
5 Mission College – SJSU Industrial Technology Program Industrial Technology Program
6 Mission College – SJSU Industrial Technology Program Industrial Technology Program
7 Technology Education
8 Next Steps for Mission College CITEA Conference (Tech Teacher Prep) Development of a "Green Team" - faculty interested in promoting sustainability on the campus Two Day Summit with Ca Community Colleges in LA area Developing and e-newsletter - campus apprised of green news Student club - "EcoLogic" developed to engage students in promoting environmental awareness The campus existing green - composting and use of gray water irrigation etc. Development of the new Mission College Campus - lead by "green concepts" Solar panels in the parking lots and open fields
9 Technology Education Panel Participant: Cliff Monroe Division and Department Chairperson Technology Emeritus, Mission College Silicon Valley Engineering Council President Emeritus Silicon Valley Engineering & Technology Alliance Co-Director since 1996 California Engineering & Technology Alliance Co-Director Speaking on: Partnerships and collaboration for success Current economic events and urgencies Manufacturing and Engineering created the products that made the Silicon Valley Technology education creates manufacturers and engineers
Silicon Valley was… - Aerospace Systems - Electronics Manufacturing - Semiconductor Manufacturing - Network Systems - Software Development
High Tech Positions up 20% Foreign visas up 200% Student awareness low: 2% think physics and electronics are relevant 5% think chemistry and 15% think math is relevant 5% decline in sign-up for high tech degrees over 80% reduction in tech courses in high schools Future Workforce Gap Crisis *1999 Joint Venture Silicon Valley Study 1999 slide
USA Manufacturing Model 20 th Century Local Community Jobs $$$$$ Machines Business Services Parts Info Svs Tools Manufacturing Taxes $$$ Taxes Jobs $$$ Power Fuel Wholesale Profits $$$$ Transportation Products Business Taxes Jobs $$$ Raw Materials School/Tng ITE, Business Retail Profits $$$$ Service Industries $$$$ slide
Global Manufacturing Model 21 st Century Local Community Jobs $$ Taxes $$ Power Fuel Wholesale Profits $$$ Transportation Products Business Raw Materials School/Tng ITE, Business Service Industries $$ Tools Machines Info Svs Business Services Parts Foreign Manufacturing Import Tariffs $$ Retail Profits $$ 2. Manufacturing 2003 slide
Silicon Valley is… Semiconductor Design & R&D Small Startups Existing Manufacturing Biotech R&D Manufacturing Need manufacturing knowledge & skills Need SCANS skills Need versatile workforce Need intelligent workforce Green Technology Startups
INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Manufacturing Systems or Electronics & Computer Tech BS Degree 45/46 units TECHNOLOGY STUDIES Technical Certificates Associate Degree BS Degree Transfer 65 units High School Tech Courses Drafting, Wood, Electronics Wood, Metal, Auto, StRUT, Engineering
16 Technology Education Questions?
17 Mission College – SJSU Industrial Technology Program Industrial Technology Program Under Educational Forum Tonight’s Presentation can be found: