1 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt RhymesMapsMathInsects Name the Ending Sound
2 Name a word that rhymes with cat and starts with a b?
3 What is bat?
4 Name a word that rhymes with tap and starts with cl.
5 What is clap?
6 Name a word that rhymes with pot and starts with an h?
7 What is hot?
8 Name a word that rhymes with wet and is something you can have living with you at home.
9 What is a pet?
10 This word rhymes with hand, if you drop the h the word is…
11 What is and?
12 This is used to tell you what the symbol stands for.
13 What is a map key?
14 Name the directions on a compass rose.
15 What is north, east, south, and west?
16 A symbol on a map is a ________ that represents the real thing.
17 What is a picture?
18 Name this state found on a map.
19 What is a Virginia?
20 Name this country?
21 What is the United States of America?
22 Find the sum for
23 What is 5?
24 Finish this pattern : 1,3,1,3,_,_
25 What is 1,3?
26 Find the sum for 6+0.
27 What is 6?
28 Name the ordinal number that comes after sixth?
29 What is seventh?
30 Find the sum for
31 What is 7?
32 Insects have this many legs.
33 What is six?
34 Insects have this many body parts.
35 What is three?
36 Most insects lay this.
37 What are eggs?
38 Butterflies fly to a warmer place. This is known as …
39 What is migration?
40 Metamorphosis means to…
41 What is change?
43 What is r?
45 What is k?
47 What is x?
49 What is l?
51 What is p?