Ownership Associates Frontiers and Boundaries Ownership Associates Tools for Managing Ownership Expectations
Ownership Associates Is there confusion about who does what at your company? Frontiers and Boundaries helps you: Clarify Communicate Build Trust Engage Participation
Ownership Associates Here are the tools. 1. Decision Zone Charts (“zone charts”) 2. Training General or customized for your company Training for managers, for the work force 3. Frontiers and Boundaries: Advanced Tools 4. Toolkit: Templates and Sample Documents
Ownership Associates 1. Decision Zone Charts
Ownership Associates The Decision Zone Chart Decision Zone Charts (“zone charts”) provide a one-page overview of a company’s decision making system. They focus on a clear description of who has primary responsibility for which decisions. Zone charts help companies plan, clarify and communicate who is responsible for what.
Ownership Associates Sample Zone Chart
Ownership Associates Building Your Own Zone Charts The Frontiers and Boundaries Handbook provides: A step-by-step process to customize Decision Zone Charts for your company Maximize buy-in Sample meeting agendas Highlights of relevant research The Handbook is available for $200.00, exclusively from Ownership Associates. Learn more on the OA website by visiting the home page for the Handbook.home page for the Handbook
Ownership Associates Sample Decision Chart
Ownership Associates 2. Training
Ownership Associates Training Options Frontiers and Boundaries training includes: An introduction to the ideas of boundaries and clarity, using zone charts. Training for supervisors and middle managers. Coaching for senior managers. Training to support the adoption of company-specific zone charts. Most training can be delivered by OA or by the company’s internal trainers.
Ownership Associates Sample facilitator manual Facilitator’s script Easy-to-follow directions Presentation slides Notes Recommendations Customizable
Ownership Associates 3. Advanced Tools
Ownership Associates Decision Grids communicate the steps and roles involved in making a particular type of decision. While the Decision Zone Charts show the “big picture,” Decision Grids focus on a single type of decision. They show who is accountable for the decision, who should be consulted, who should be informed, etc. The Decision Grids are based on a flexible decision- making model that encourages clarity, information flow, and accountability. 3A. Decision Grid
Ownership Associates 3B. Decision Reports Decision Reports summarize all the relevant information about a decision on one sheet of paper Use to communicate To Recipients of Information, Consulted Parties, etc. Use for accountability
Ownership Associates 5. Toolkit: Templates and Sample Documents
Ownership Associates Ownership Associates can provide ready-to- use templates to make zone charts, decision grids and decision reports look professional. Samples from other clients can help companies determine how to set up their own zone charts and decision grids. Templates and Samples
Ownership Associates “Everyone appreciates feeling involved and included. And now we have a way to deal systematically with people’s questions and concerns. It’s made a huge difference.” —Dale Clary, Plant Manager, Carris / North Carolina “[Clarifying decision making] puts people more at ease, and we are now getting more input and participation from employees.” — Cynthia Amador, Director of HR, Caltrol Quotes from Clients
Ownership Associates OA INC. Ownership Associates, Inc. 122 Mt. Auburn Street Harvard Square Cambridge, MA Tel: (617) Fax: (617) Click here for Frontiers and Boundaries on OA’s website or go to and choose “Frontiers and Boundaries” from QuickLinks. For more information