Are You Smarter Than a 3 rd Grader? Suffolk Public Schools
Social Studies
2 nd floor
South America is 2.
Benjamin Franklin was famous for proving that electricity could be found in lightning.
They both have a farming industry.
They pledge loyalty to the flag.
Which one in NOT a physical characteristic of Greece?
Used many columns in their buildings is a type of architecture, not a physical characteristic.
They adapted to their environment by developing small independent communities in the mountains.
Was this type of government used in Greece or in Rome?
It was Rome because they had a representative democracy. Greece had a direct democracy.
Mining Gold
Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River Valley in Canada.
Ponce de Leons motivation was to find land to conquer and to find riches.
The government makes the laws.
Government is necessary to make the laws.
Basic principles
Laws are official rules that people live by.
Thurgood Marshall was the first African American Supreme Court Justice.
Memorial Day is celebrated to remember those who died fighting for our country.
Are You Smarter Than a 3 rd Grader?