Sustainable Fitness Project Personal experience with working out Idea: generate electricity while you work out Research Iteration: educate students as they work out on the value of energy Partnership with AFC and director Grant Proposal Timeline Budget plan Measure for success Design posters, flyers, and education monitors
Sustainable Fitness Project Coordinate with AFC director Buy and implement bikes into AFC Advertise! Collect data and analyze it Iterate! Future plan/goal: study and retrofit elliptical Obtain more funding Retrofit more bikes We are always looking to expand the team!
Idea: Education Gift Box Charlottesville County Public School Education division due to economic status Increase young students interests in science and technology Advocate for higher and continuing education “Education in a box” Make it sustainable! Still working out the logistics
Idea: Solar Panel Project HelioSage: solar project development firm Consulting services Photovoltaic estimates System sizing Modeling Continuation of last year’s solar panel project
Idea: Window Farm Use recycled water bottles and materials Increase easy access to fresh produce/herbs Promote healthier diets Need refinement: Who’s the clients? Do they really need this?
Recap: How to do your own project 1. Experience it 2. IDEAS: Identify a problem and stakeholders 3. Create objectives 4. Need help/advice? ESWB, professors, faculty mentors 5. Develop metrics 6. Iterations! 7. Carry through! Analyze/reflect! Make improvements. ESWB is a great resource for advice and mentorship!