School Toilet Blocks for Bangladesh Gender Sensitive : Disability Friendly : Dedicated Teacher Cubicle : Disaster Adapted
Floor -Raised for 1 in 10 year flood level Honeycombed Windows -High for privacy -Ventilation Roof -Light-weight for earthquake zone -Potential rainwater harvesting -Potential solar panels for electric pump
Ramp - smooth - max 8% slope - handrail - raised edge Corridors -Min. width 1500mm -Easy wheel chair manoeuvring -Raised edge Door -min width 900mm -Outward opening door -Lever type door handle
Disability Cubicle -Commode style toilet -wall and door hand rails -adequate size for wheelchair manoeuvring Signage -Large for visibility Floor -Tactile tiles for the visually impaired Teachers’ cubicle - Separated from students
Doors - Lockable inside for privacy Girls’ cubicle -Washing facilities for MHM -rubbish disposal
Layout and Dimensions