Going Green Global warming is a term you hear more and more, it is on the minds of many. What can we do? Is it to late? Can one person make a difference?


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Presentation transcript:

Going Green Global warming is a term you hear more and more, it is on the minds of many. What can we do? Is it to late? Can one person make a difference?

Stop, Listen What are you thinking? Do you feel the need to act? The words of one can fill the minds of many! What are you thinking? Do you feel the need to act? The words of one can fill the minds of many!

Task Can one person make a difference? Can four or five? What can we do here in our school to reduce our carbon footprint? We will be researching different strategies to combat global warming that we can start here in New Carlilse, Indiana.

Process First you need to form a group of four or five students, this is your green school action group. Each person within your group needs to choose a role. Once you have chosen your role you will begin your research. Upon finishing your research find the other students who have chosen the same role, share the information amongst your fellow researchers. Then Return to your action group, each person needs to share the information found with their action group. Each action group then needs to come up with three possible changes our school can make or ways to educate their fellow students to decrease our environmental impact as a school and a community. You will need to create a plan of action, draft a letter(s) addressing the appropriate personal in charge to initiate the change, create a pamphlet for fellow students, simply come up with a way to get the information out!

Evaluation G You will be responsible for submitting your call(s) to action and the evidence to support your action plan. What caused your group to choose the projects you picked. G I am looking for a well presented case. Convince me, convince you fellow students and the adults within our community! G I am looking for a concise representation of your supporting evidence via a graphic organizer. G You will be responsible for submitting your call(s) to action and the evidence to support your action plan. What caused your group to choose the projects you picked. G I am looking for a well presented case. Convince me, convince you fellow students and the adults within our community! G I am looking for a concise representation of your supporting evidence via a graphic organizer.

Rubric DistinguishedProficientNeeds Improvement Unsatisfactory ResearchAll sites were viewed, more evidence found through own research All sites were viewed. Research well documented Some sites were viewed, research not documented Sites no viewed, research does not exist. CollaborationIs well organized and shares information in an easy to understand manor. Information brought to group is of value to group decision. Research presented but no in a logical order easy for the group to use Little to no research presented to group PresentationIs engaging and easy for the audience to follow. Target audience is clear Engaging and easy to follow. Engaging but not well organized. Is dull, nothing draws the audience in, evidence and action plan hard to follow.

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Earthworms  Your task is to investigate composting lbs per person per year of food waste is thrown into our landfills (wasteage.com). Check out the following websites for information on food waste, composting and what other schools are doing to become part of the solution.  Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education  How to make Compost How to make Compost  Backyard Magic Backyard Magic  EPA Consumer Handbook for Reducing Solid Waste EPA Consumer Handbook for Reducing Solid Waste  Grants Help Schools set up Composting Program Grants Help Schools set up Composting Program  Davis Farmers Market Foundation Davis Farmers Market Foundation  Composting: Nature’s Recycling Program Composting: Nature’s Recycling Program  Setting up a School Recycling and Waste Reduction Program Setting up a School Recycling and Waste Reduction Program

Turbines  Can you be the wind that moves the turbines of the world, or at least those in charge in your school district. Energy made from coal and petroleum is getting more expensive by the day, not to mention the effects of this type of electricity on the climate. Your task is to investigate alternative energy solutions. What are other school corporations doing, if anything to decrease their carbon emissions?  Minnesota Schools Using Renewable Energy Minnesota Schools Using Renewable Energy  Coalition of Artists Leaves a Legacy of Solar Power Coalition of Artists Leaves a Legacy of Solar Power  Power of Wind Power of Wind  Energy Kids Energy Kids  Midwest Renewable Energy Association Midwest Renewable Energy Association

Gardeners  Plants clean our air and reduce the amount of carbon in the air. Run- off, water loss is also a problem in many urban areas. What can our school do with plants to help decrease carbon in the air and run-off? Have any other schools tried living roofs, or rain water collection to water their grounds?  Green Roof Research at Michigan State University Green Roof Research at Michigan State University  Green Roof Plants Green Roof Plants  Green Roofs - EPA Green Roofs - EPA

Water Mongrels  Water waste is a thing of the past, we now know with great certainty that we must preserve this valuable resource. What can our school district do to stop water waste?  Ways to Save Water Ways to Save Water  The History of Water The History of Water  Why it is important to conserve water? Why it is important to conserve water?  The Wonderful World of Water The Wonderful World of Water

Fuel Critics  Many students in our district ride the bus to and from school. We have a large bus fleet that drives many miles and while it is much more eco-friendly then having each individual student driven by their parents, there is plenty of room to improve. Diesel fuel has cleaned up its act in recent months, has our school district followed the trend or are we still using dirty diesel? Your job is to find out and to research the impact of using “dirty diesel” on not only the environment but also on the health of the students riding the bus.  Children’s Exposure to Diesel Fumes Children’s Exposure to Diesel Fumes  Sierra Club of Minnesota weighs in on Diesel Fumes Sierra Club of Minnesota weighs in on Diesel Fumes  Clean School Buses Across the Country Clean School Buses Across the Country  America the Green BioDiesel Podcast