TEAM MEMBERS Joe Arnold, School of the Arts Katrin Harich, School of Business Administration & Economics Larry Labrado, University Outreach Jim Powell, Information Technology Frank Quevedo, SCE Gladys Fleckles, Academic Programs Mary Jacobson, University Advancement Bobbie Wallstrom, Business & Financial Affairs Coaches: Naomi Goodwin, Administration; Maryalyce Jeremiah, Athletics; and Bob May, University Advancement
TEAM 4 To determine the elements required for Cal State Fullerton to become an employer of choice Our Task:
AGENDA Scope of the Task The Way It Is The Way It Should Be Root Cause Strategies
AN EMPLOYER OF CHOICE: FOR WHOM? Faculty & Staff Internal & External Audiences FOR WHAT? Retain & Attract
THE WAY IT IS Distant Divided Discontented Dysfunctional Dilbert-like Our process painted the following picture of the University as an employer
THE WAY IT SHOULD BE Flexible Adaptive Cross Functional Connected Dynamic Titan Pride As an employer of choice, the university should be:
WHY IS THIS SO? There is a gap in the campus culture that we describe and the one that we would like to have...
ROOT CAUSE While CSUF has a comprehensive Mission & Goals statement, it is not a living document and has not been fully embraced by the university community as the defining element of its culture. We do not own and live our mission and, thus, we do not motivate and empower the campus community.
ELEMENTS Internal External
Leadership Team Development Employee Growth & Career Advancement Definition & Promotion of Campus Culture Meaningful Rewards, Recognition & Compensation To bridge this gap internally, the critical elements to be an employer of choice are: ANCHORED BY ACCOUNTABILITY INTERNAL
LEADERSHIP TEAM DEVELOPMENT Bring Leaders Together Define Unique Qualities of Cal State Fullerton Embracing/Living Our Mission Translate Mission into Behavior What: Executive Level Deans & Directors First-line Supervisors Future Leaders Who:: ANCHORED BY ACCOUNTABILITY
DEFINITION & PROMOTION OF CAMPUS CULTURE Culture Champions Culture (Re)Orientation Culture Center Cal State Fullerton: Quality, Access, Diversity ANCHORED BY ACCOUNTABILITY
MEANINGFUL REWARDS, RECOGNITION & COMPENSATION Creative Rewards & Recognition Monetary Awards & Incentives Build on Existing Programs ANCHORED BY ACCOUNTABILITY
ENHANCE OUR IMAGE AS AN EMPLOYER OF CHOICE Emphasize Our Pluses: Quality, Access, Diversity Prioritize & Position Develop Consistent University Image Communicate This Image on TV, in Print and on the Web ANCHORED BY ACCOUNTABILITY External
ENHANCE RECRUITMENT Consistent, Dynamic Look for Recruitment Material Centralize Recruitment Dollars Improve Access to Employment Information Streamline Hiring Process ANCHORED BY ACCOUNTABILITY External
ACCOUNTABILITY, ASSESSMENT & OWNERSHIP Inclusive, Top to Bottom Structured to Encourage Participation, Review Dependent on Mentoring Equitable and Consistent Assessments Keys to Success
IMPLICATIONS Mediocrity Status Quo Negative Public Perception Confused Culture, Unfocused Outlook If we do not make this commitment: Distant Divided Discontented Dysfunctional Dilbert-like
IMPLICATIONS Increased Employee Satisfaction, Loyalty Improved Public Perception Common Culture, Institutional Team Saved Time & Money in Recruitment, Training Improved Service, Efficiency If we make this commitment: Flexible Adaptive Cross Functional Connected Dynamic Titan Pride
AN EXCITING OPPORTUNITY Leadership Team Development Employee Growth & Career Advancement Definition and Promotion of Campus Culture Meaningful Rewards, Recognition & Compensation Enhanced Recruitment Process Enhanced Campus Image As an Employer of Choice
Quality, Access, Diversity