BBS Technik 1 Ludwigshafen K. LEONHARDT BLOGS
BBS Technik 1 Ludwigshafen K. LEONHARDT LOGS LOG: an official record of events, especially on a journey in a ship or a plane
BBS Technik 1 Ludwigshafen K. LEONHARDT WEBLOGS
BBS Technik 1 Ludwigshafen K. LEONHARDT WEBLOGS blogson the web blogs on the web
BBS Technik 1 Ludwigshafen K. LEONHARDT BLOGS
BBS Technik 1 Ludwigshafen K. LEONHARDT BLOGS In this workshop you will… 1.learn about the nature of BLOGS 2.see an example of a BLOG 3.hear how (language) teachers can benefit from BLOGS shown an example of a BLOG for a language class 5.learn how to set up your own BLOG
BBS Technik 1 Ludwigshafen K. LEONHARDT 1.The Nature of Blogs (1) blogs are websites that are often updated with new postsblogs are websites that are often updated with new posts posts are arranged in reverse chronological order so that the newest post is always at the topposts are arranged in reverse chronological order so that the newest post is always at the top blogs are hosted by blog providers for freeblogs are hosted by blog providers for free blogs can easily be created and customisedblogs can easily be created and customised each blog can contain various categories which can be opened by a simple mouse clickeach blog can contain various categories which can be opened by a simple mouse click
BBS Technik 1 Ludwigshafen K. LEONHARDT 1.The Nature of Blogs (2) each post has a title and a time stampeach post has a title and a time stamp each post is also automatically archivedeach post is also automatically archived retrieval of posts is possible through search feature or by browsing the calendarretrieval of posts is possible through search feature or by browsing the calendar templates make publishing easytemplates make publishing easy readers can post commentsreaders can post comments
BBS Technik 1 Ludwigshafen K. LEONHARDT 2.Example of a Blog
BBS Technik 1 Ludwigshafen K. LEONHARDT 3.Teachers use Blogs to (1) provide online reading texts for their studentsprovide online reading texts for their students provide additional materials like audio or video clips, images, charts etc.provide additional materials like audio or video clips, images, charts etc. organise Internet resources for the class by providing useful linksorganise Internet resources for the class by providing useful links give instructions, assign tasksgive instructions, assign tasks
BBS Technik 1 Ludwigshafen K. LEONHARDT 3.Teachers use Blogs to (2) make the students practise writing (for an audience)make the students practise writing (for an audience) give teacher feedbackgive teacher feedback entice student discussionentice student discussion encourage peer evaluation and peer supportencourage peer evaluation and peer support carry out project work and make students document their progresscarry out project work and make students document their progress experiment to find still more uses of blogsexperiment to find still more uses of blogs
BBS Technik 1 Ludwigshafen K. LEONHARDT 4.Example of a Class Blog
BBS Technik 1 Ludwigshafen K. LEONHARDT 3.Create your own Blog You will need:You will need: –basic computer skills –a computer connected to the Internet –a valid address, Pick a provider:Pick a provider: e.g etc. etc.
BBS Technik 1 Ludwigshafen K. LEONHARDT
BBS Technik 1 Ludwigshafen K. LEONHARDT
BBS Technik 1 Ludwigshafen K. LEONHARDT
BBS Technik 1 Ludwigshafen K. LEONHARDT