Science Final Review by Teacher Olivia Chapter 5: Land and Water Lesson #1: Earth’s Land
Vocabulary Landform: different shapes of Earth’s land Mountain: high Hill: short Plain: flat and wide Valley: low land between mountains
3 layers of Earth Crust: Earth’s outer layer. Mantle: Earth’s middle layer. Core: Earth’s deepest and hottest layer.
Earth Layers There are _____ main layers inside Earth? Which layer can people live? __________ Which layer has hot lava? ________ Which layer is the thinnest? __________ Which layer is the thickest? __________ Which layer has two parts? __________ What are these two part? 1) ___ 2) _____
Map & Globe Map: flat - shows where land and water are on Earth. Globe: sphere / ball It is a model of Earth. It is a map of Earth in the shape of a sphere or ball.
Continents & Oceans Continent: Big piece of lands Island: small piece of lands * Both Continents & Islands are surrounded by oceans/water.
Oceans 1. Arctic Ocean 2. Atlantic Ocean 3. Indian Ocean 4. Pacific Ocean 5. Southern Ocean Continents 1. Africa 2. Antarctica 3. Asia 4. Australia 5. Europe 6. North America 7. South America
Ch.5/lesson #2: Earth’s Water Science Final Review Ch.5/lesson #2: Earth’s Water
Vocabulary Fresh Water: water that is not salty - found in lakes, ponds, rivers & streams Ocean: A large body of salt water. - where you found most of Earth’s water Ocean covers ¾ of Earth Most living things can only drinks ___________ Can people drink ocean water? ( Yes/No )
Why is water important? All living things need water to live & survive Human Animals Plants - drink - drink - grow and stay - wash hands - wash body health - clean dishes - live/home - make their own food - swim
Human vs. Earth Human Body Earth ocean / water - ¾ of Earth is covered by ocean / water - human body consist 70% of water
Ch.5/lesson #3: Changes on Earth Science Final Review Ch.5/lesson #3: Changes on Earth
Vocabulary Earthquake: A shake in Earth’s crust. - can cause great damages - change the shape of land quickly Volcano: an opening in Earth’s mantle and crust. - A very hot, thick liquid (lava) comes out turn into solid rocks after it cools down.
Vocabulary Flood: water that flows over land and cannot easily soak into the ground. - When a lot of rain falls quickly - Change the shape of land quickly - People build houses on stilts to keep them safe from flood Landslide.: sudden movement of soil from higher to lower ground Change the shape of land quickly Heavy rain and melting snow can cause landslides.
Slow changes on Earth Water Wind Fast moving water can wear away rock water (warm weather) ice (cold weather) can cause the rocks to crack open Wind Strong winds blow sands and carry away soil. The surface of the land or rock changes shape. weathering- things like rock or wood changes its shape or color over time condition (rain, sun, wind) Erosion- gradual removal rock or soil by river, sea or weather.
Chapter 6: Earth’s Resources Lesson #1: Rocks and Minerals Science Final Review Chapter 6: Earth’s Resources Lesson #1: Rocks and Minerals
Vocabulary Natural resource: material from Earth that people use in daily life. (which ones are living vs nonliving?) Water rocks air Animals plants
Rocks nonliving part of Earth most rocks are hard Inukshuk have different shapes, sizes, color and textures (how you feel) cover the surface of Earth found from top of a mountain, to below city streets, grass, soil and the bottom of the ocean people use rocks as tools made of one or more minerals
Minerals Bits of rock and soil that help plants and animals grow. a nonliving part of Earth. make the rocks shine and sparkle. formed in the ground million years ago. Uses of Minerals: Graphite magnetite fluorite turquoise
Rocks vs. Minerals Same: - nonliving parts of Earth - formed in the ground over millions of year Different: Rocks Minerals - tools - nutrients for plants to grow - make rocks shine
Science Final Review Ch.6/lesson #2: Soil
Soil a mix of tiny rocks and bits of dead plants and animals. allow plants to grow. silt- tiny pieces of broken rock in soil. have different colors and textures clay soil topsoil sandy soil darker color lighter color (holds more water) where plants grow best
How is soil form? Over time, rocks and minerals break down into smaller pieces. Decompose: when plants and animals die ( the dead body parts begins to rot away decompose) mushrooms help break down the dead plants Nutrient that were once in living things become part of the soil. ( nutrients make the soil healthy for the plants)
How is soil form? compost pile- a mix of soil and parts of rotting plants and animals. - show how things decompose in the soil. * topsoil: best for growing plants has mushrooms has rotting plant and animal parts * subsoil: beneath topsoil
Clips one Earth layers of the Earth Earthquake Volcano Rocks and soils How to make a compose pile
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