Soil Sterilization You add a little of This and a little of That!
What is Soil Sterilization The process of destroying all organisms in the soil ecosystem
Why Sterilize Sterilizing soil destroys most pathogens (Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, nematodes, etc), weed seeds, and other harmful organisms that may be in the soil.
How do Growers Sterilize the Soil? FireSolarPesticideSteamComposting
What's Necessary for Composting? Raw Material- Used plant material, bark, wood, etc Heat- heat will occur naturally as microorganisms break down the plant material. It will also destroy most unwanted organisms Moisture- helps facilitate decomposition Cover- either bark or plastic
What are important considerations? Ability to monitor and control temperature- temperature may rise to high levels, resulting in spontaneous combustion Space- depending on scale, you must have adequate space to compost Must make sure compost is cured- uncured material will result in nutrition problems. In uncured compost, microorganisms will use up nitrogen, resulting in iron chlorosis.