National Security Cutters Will be A Unique National Asset Re-capitalization of the U.S. Coast Guard
Ken Thompson: I think we decided we’d keep this as a bkground primer. Notes updated. Ken Thompson: I think we decided we’d keep this as a bkground primer. Notes updated. What Is Deepwater? Deepwater is the US Coast Guard’s sweeping acquisition program to replace all major ships and aircraft which perform all of the Coast Guard’s vital Deepwater missions …including Homeland Security Deepwater... “A National Priority”
2005 Project Scope: 93 Cutters 206 Aircraft C4ISR Systems/Network Logistics Infrastructure Project Scope: 93 Cutters 206 Aircraft C4ISR Systems/Network Logistics Infrastructure Today’s Deepwater Assets Reaching the End of Useful Service Life
“ When it comes to securing our homeland, and helping people along the coast, the Coast Guard has got a vital and significant mission… We must make sure that our Coast Guard has got a modern fleet of vessels. We must make sure that port security is as strong as possible.” President George W. Bush The President Deepwater is the Answer
Early Design Top Level Planning Factors Proprietary/Competition Sensitive 5 l Replace All Deepwater Operational Assets l Specified Requirements for a National Security Cutter l Capped Funding Profile ä $300M in FY02 (FY 98 Dollars) ä $500M Annually FY03 Through FY42 (FY 98 Dollars) ä Operating Expense (OE) Capped at $996M / Yr.. l Maintain or Improve Operational Effectiveness l Manage Legacy Deepwater Assets
Key Operational Requirements SPS has specific NSC requirements Section 3.8 Speed, endurance, replenishment, survivability, … Requirements set direction for design development Robustness Flexibility Multi-mission capable Improved Asset / Platform Capabilities Increased major cutter speed allows greater responsiveness Improved cutter sea keeping increases on-scene presence and ability to launch boats and aircraft in adverse weather Stern launching of small boats decreases time required to prosecute Targets Common Operational Picture enables optimum use of available assets
National Security Cutter A Unique Component of the Integrated Deepwater System Designed to Meet the NSC Requirements of the Coast Guard’s System Performance Specification. Multi-mission, Military Vessel capable of working large range of Navy Operations. Endurance, Speed and Sea Keeping to meet all CG Missions Well equipped with Manned and Un-manned vehicles to extend detection ranges and increase prosecution of active cases. Extends Coast Guards reach through “Common Operational Picture” C4I Network.
National Security Cutter Modern Design to meet all of the Coast Guard’s traditional deepwater Missions and Homeland Security Requirements. Enhanced C4ISR makes the NSC a Key Asset in the Maritime Domain. New Sensors and UAV’s to Find, Enhanced domain awareness to Interdict, Highly Capable LRI Boats / VUAVs and Helos to work together to Prosecute All Targets. 425’, 3900 Ton, 28+ Knots; CODAG, Dual Stern Launch; Mission Module Capability; Dual Helo / UAV Hangar Capability; Flexible Accommodations / Operating Crew substantially smaller than comparable legacy cutters, Significantly Improved Habitability. New Requirements: Chemical, Biological, and Radiological detection
Communications Automated Comms Systems Software Radios (Combine HF/VHF/UHF) Military SATCOM Enhanced Dual INMARSAT-B (256 kbps) Wireless Internal Comms Data Links SIPRNET/CGDN+ Cryptological Devices Communications Automated Comms Systems Software Radios (Combine HF/VHF/UHF) Military SATCOM Enhanced Dual INMARSAT-B (256 kbps) Wireless Internal Comms Data Links SIPRNET/CGDN+ Cryptological Devices Sensors Air Search Radar 3D-Air Search SPS-73 Surface/Nav Radar Fire Control Radar IFF Electronic Surveillance Measures Electro Optic/Infrared Sensors Air Search Radar 3D-Air Search SPS-73 Surface/Nav Radar Fire Control Radar IFF Electronic Surveillance Measures Electro Optic/Infrared Weapons 57mm Gun 30mm Gun 50cal Guns SEARAM AntiAir/ AintiShip RAM Decoy System Weapons 57mm Gun 30mm Gun 50cal Guns SEARAM AntiAir/ AintiShip RAM Decoy System Integrated C2 Integrated Bridge System Common C2 System Multi-Operational Consoles C2 Local Area Network Local Tactical Picture Common Tactical Picture Common Operational Picture (COP) Integrated C2 Integrated Bridge System Common C2 System Multi-Operational Consoles C2 Local Area Network Local Tactical Picture Common Tactical Picture Common Operational Picture (COP) Integrated Coast Guard Systems Proprietary Information – Competition Sensitive National Security Cutter
Critical System Attributes Affordability - acquisition & total ownership cost Mobility - speed, seakeeping, redundancy Mission Payload - flexible, robust, modular Boardings - multiple simultaneous boardings Crewing - optimize manpower requirements Life Margins - future growth allowance Aviation - land & refuel Navy/NATO VTOL aircraft (NSC Only)
Major Factors Leading to Cost Savings Cutter Crew Reduction Use of Augmented Crews = Increased on Station Days Intelligent Use of Unmanned Platforms Use of C4ISR as Force Multiplier Streamlined Logistics Infrastructure
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Affordability Acquisition Cost Life Cycle Cost Steel hull, mostly steel superstructure, CODAG propulsion plant One gas turbines vice 2 with CODOG Modular construction Shorter build cycle Common C4ISR components Larger buys Propulsion Plant - CODAG Economical diesel operations up to 23 knots Common C4ISR systems across surface platforms Reduced training costs & simplified logistics
NSC Model Testing Model Tested at NSWC, Carderock –28kts at 85% of Max Continuous Rating Model Tested at NSWC, Carderock –28kts at 85% of Max Continuous Rating
NSC Stern Ramps Selected During Concept Design Analysis Stern Ramp Benefits Increased Operational Effectiveness Launch and Retrieve in Higher Sea States Safer Operation Reduced LCC One Person on Deck to Launch and Retrieve Define the Risk Used World Wide Used by CG More Prevalent on Smaller Ships but Larger Ships are Being Constructed with Stern Ramps Largest 240 Ft Frigate Coast Guard Has Considered 270 Ft WMEC 170 Ft Cyclone Class
Stern Ramp (Continued) Current Stern Ramp Design Risk Off-Ramp SRP Launching from a Davit Provides Risk Off-Ramp for Stern Ramp Design Effect on Crewing Adds Flexibility SRP Launching from a Davit Provides Risk Off-Ramp for Stern Ramp Design Effect on Crewing Adds Flexibility
NSC Weapon System Discussion NSC Requirements Anti Ship Cruise Missile Anti Ship Defense Law Enforcement Command Presence Compel Compliance DoD USCG
Producing a Balanced Design NSC is in Preliminary Design Phase Increased Capabilities are Being Discussed All asset Capabilities changes must be evaluated for Total Owner ship Costs Operational Effectiveness Partnership between Coast Guard and ICGS is Essential
NSC Combining Gear Benefits to Coast Guard Identical NSC and OPC Diesel Engines Greater Operational Efficiencies Better Fuel Efficiency One Diesel 16 Knots, Two Diesel 22 Knots 95% Diesel Operations No Trail Shaft Operations Increases Redundancy Either Engine Drive Either Shaft Lowers LCC AC&I Cost the Same Combining Gear enables common diesel engine for NSC and OPC.
Flight Deck Landing Area SPS - Launch and Retrieve Navy and NATO VTOLS H60 NATO Equivalent Integrated With Our IDS CONOPS MCH and VUAV NSC and OPC Capabilities VUAV MCH H60