EGR 403 Project Proposal Team 5 Jon DeVera Jonathan Fiello Keung Dao Daniel Huoth Anh Le
Scenario Planning for retirement Age: 25 Sex: Male Future Marital Status: Only Wife; kids fend for themselves. Present Occupation: engineer Salary: $50,000
Summary Age: Motor Home Savings plan Annual cost One time cost Boat Savings Plan Annual cost One time cost
Boat vs. Motor Home ONE TIME… Cost of ownership ANNUAL COST Cost of living Depreciation Maintenance Insurance/License Savings Plan If not savings then Loan Rate
2004 BayLiner 305 MSRP: $163,713 Full Options Mercruiser D4.2L (Twin 225 HP) Length: 31'6" (9.60 m) Fuel Capacity: 148 gal (560 L)
Motor home 2004 Monaco Diplomate Motorhome 40' length Class A Diesel fuel Price: $202,507