Session 6 ADB Regional Capacity Development TA Program including OBA Feedback of Group Discussion Dr. Anand Chiplunkar Principal Water Supply and Sanitation.


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Presentation transcript:

Session 6 ADB Regional Capacity Development TA Program including OBA Feedback of Group Discussion Dr. Anand Chiplunkar Principal Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist Asian Development Bank

compilation of successful and sustainable environmental sanitation case studies – institutions and sustainable frameworks Knowledge drive : compilation of successful and sustainable environmental sanitation case studies – institutions and sustainable frameworks specific technology datasheets for different treated output standards required for various end-uses Technology drive : specific technology datasheets for different treated output standards required for various end-uses business briefs and pre-feasibility studies with financing mechanisms to fast-track wastewater investment projects, and encourage extraction of resources from wastewater Financing and incentives drive : business briefs and pre-feasibility studies with financing mechanisms to fast-track wastewater investment projects, and encourage extraction of resources from wastewater Awareness and advocacy drive : knowledge products, capacity development workshops, networking with stakeholders in round tables for taking up identified business opportunities

Awareness and Advocacy Drive is fourth in the sequence- it should be the first Other drives are preparatory Stakeholder discussions need to go beyond to other players How to empower local institutions in terms of capacity, raising resources and negotiating We need a Paradigm shift Other drives are preparatory

Role of sub-national policies How to generate demand Unlock demand Develop willing to pay Tie up with market Link sanitation products with private sector intervention as revenue generating activities e.g. using digested sludge, compost, urine in agriculture, soil preparation through Ecosan

How changing environment and demographic pattern can link with change in design and technology Development and linkage of emerging technology with pilots Nepal OBA project – total sanitation to the poor Useful approach – what is the output linkage Cost of toilets – is it high, more households can benefit if cost is lower CLTS plays an important role in behavioural change

The proposed ADB Regional Capacity Development Technical Assistance (RCDTA) on Wastewater Management Revolution in Asia- Pacific initiated by UNSGAB, ADB International Water Association is good initiative that can allow all partners and stakeholders to scale up sanitation investments in the region

The RCDTA needs to strengthen the activities that lead to community awareness and demand generation for sanitation. CLTS approach and integration of other champions in this process is very important for this.

The sustainability of sanitation initiatives and investments has to be the foundation of planning future interventions. Planned provision for operation and maintenance of the assets created must be done before making investments.

The proposed ADB Regional Capacity Development Technical Assistance (RCDTA) on Wastewater Management Revolution in Asia- Pacific initiated by UNSGAB, ADB International Water Association is good initiative that can allow all partners and stakeholders to scale up sanitation investments in the region

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