Optimist International1 District Committees Appointing and Empowering Governors Elect
Optimist International2 Purpose of Committees To provide resources for Clubs Conduct District Activities
Optimist International3 Types of District Committees zGrowth zActivities zAdministrative zMeetings
Optimist International4 How to Appoint zExplain Importance of the Task zTell Why You Need Them zExplain Duties and Expectations zTransfer Ownership
Optimist International5 Role Play zAsk the person beside you to serve as a Committee Chair. Use format. yExplain Importance of the Task yTell Why You Need Them yExplain Duties and Expectations yTransfer Ownership
Optimist International6 Transfer Ownership zStop talking, Listen zAsk Questions zGet Excited when they come up with ideas zReports & Budget They Determine Action Plan What will be done? Who will do it? When will it be done?
Optimist International7 Empowering Committees zDelegate with Appointment Process zReports for Accountability zRecognize Every Action
Optimist International8 OI Committee Seminars zInternational Convention in July zDistrict Chairs Seminars yNew Club Building Chair yMembership Chair yLeadership Development Chair zSelect Volunteers Eager to Learn zYou are invited to attend (float)
Optimist International9 District Committees Appointing and Empowering The End